Sig Chri 🇺🇦 🇦🇹 Profile picture
In Freedom we trust!
Dec 21, 2024 22 tweets 9 min read
🧵 I recommend to take a look on the recurring accounts the assassin of Magdeburg retweeted. Don’t do single tweet publishing. It isn’t about a single Narrative. It’s about the sources he saw on X and which have radicalized him. And no. Its click baiting disinformation creating.. Here we have Radio Genoa. Most NAFO Fellas know this account for spreading - - 🇷🇺 narratives
- far right narratives
and 🇨🇳 shit.

He was a source for the assassin. … Image
Nov 1, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Yes they met yesterday in Austria. Everyone is asking why.

Seriously. Some things you don’t say over the phone and not electronic transmitted.

This is interesting when you look at who was there too because you can draw a line too… Guess whom…

1/3 Image 2/3 The head of the biggest spy hub in europe. Mr. Dmitrij LJUBINSKIJ from the 🇷🇺 embassy. Image
Oct 30, 2024 14 tweets 7 min read
🧵 Wanna see a rare foreign 🇷🇺/ 🇨🇳 botfarm test for what you can expect after election? SPOILER: It’s exactly like it was in 2020 but this timer with an platform owner who will do nothing to stop. Rather amplifying it.

Based on this tweet: Image To get it more visual you should take a look at this video and you will see claims about election fraud for Pennsylvania. The latest few pointing on Lancester county. All this profiles look a bit weird. So let’s dive into the data.
Apr 9, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ You should read this mail conversation between Wolfgang Sobotka and Marsalek‘s connection in the former 🇦🇹 secret service „Martin Weiss“ from 2016. Martin Weiss left to Dubai as there is no extradition agreement.

„It can be noted that the..
Image 2/ Russian intelligence service has intensified its activities in Austria and Europe to dismantle the European Union to an enormous extent (see the support for nationalist parties, the instrumentalization of organizations, including in the police sector, etc.). European intelligence services have increased…
Mar 23, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
1/ Okay. You are telling me that the 4 suspects have already been identified? I say bullshit! Why? The main part of the work would need to have been done in less than 20 minutes.

LOOK at the timestamp of this RT . com article! It says 08:32! with a full narrative. Image 2/ Rybar posted a video about the interrogation a few hours ago! That video appears in broad daylight. Sunrise in Bryansk area is at 06:34. add 30 min to get the sun in that position for this spectrum of daylight. Image
Jan 5, 2024 18 tweets 6 min read
..1. The theory in 1:1 applicable on 🇺🇦 because the the pre stage of invading Czechoslovakia (Mähren) was prepared with Göbbels propaganda by

- using the Rundfunk (radio) as propaganda tool
- and the narrative for the German citizens that it is about freeing the German minority in „Sudetenland“..

How was the Russian invasion in Ukraine?

- using Telegram, Social Media, paid influencers and useful idiots as propaganda tool
- using the narrative that the Russian minority in Donbass is suppressed and needs to be released.

Well. That is literally the same.Image ..2. Putin & Kreml threatened to invade Ukraine under the pretext of securing the situation exactly as Hitler did. Same as Hitler has send troops to destabilize the border areas of Czechoslovakia, Putin send PMC Wagner and Russian soldiers into Donbass to destabilize it.
Sep 30, 2023 21 tweets 9 min read
1/ #Österreich #Deutschland #Україна Es kommt nicht oft vor das man eine direkte Beteiligung der @RusBotWien & des russischen Kulturinstitutes in Wien eine
direkte Beeinflussung der Wählerströme, Parteien und Meinung nachweisen könnte mit Ziel den Linken und rechten Teil der Gesellschaft zu spalten.
Image 2/ Doch wie ist das möglich? Wenn es stimmt das Oleg Ksenofontov beim Aufbau des „Komitee für Frieden in der Ukraine“ unterstützt hat, dann hat die @RusBotWien und das russische Kulturinstitut (RKI) Wien ein riesiges Problem bis nach 🇩🇪. Denn Oleg ist Leiter des RKI und Beirat der @RusBotWien und die Spuren von „Jaroslava Sidorenko“ (Vorsitzende des Komitees) sind überall verteilt.

Aug 18, 2023 37 tweets 20 min read
1/ #Österreich #NAFO #Україна Ich wollte eigentlich nur die Berichtigung eines Artikels und bin jetzt extrem überrascht. Da ich mich mit der ORF Berichterstattung weniger befasse bin ich jetzt überrascht was ich alles hier drin lese. #Österreich

War da wirklich schon mal die Akkreditierung weg? 🙈 weiß wer was dazu? Da war (Putin Knicks) Karin Kneissl Außenministerin! 🙈

Danke an zackzackzack für die Recherche!

2/ Hat wer dazu Auszüge? 😡 Das ist weder ein „Bürgerkrieg“ noch „pro russische“ Rebellen.

Um es mal klar zustellen. Das gibt selbst Igor Girkin zu. Mittlerweile weiß man schon lange das Igor Girkin auch kein pro russischer Rebell, sondern ein GRU (russischer Militärgeheimdienst) namens Igor Strelkov ist.
Aug 16, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ Höchst fragwürdige Videountermalung beim ORF #Ukraine
1) Video 1 ist von rechtsradikalen TikTok account, nicht auf Universität aufgenommen
2) Das zweite Video zeigt keine Situation, die mit Rekrutierung zu tun hat, sondern Verhaftung von russischen Agenten

2/ Der TikTok Tweet ist von einem polnischen, antiukrainischen account, der stolz auf Hooligans ist, der Ukrainern eine "Lektion erteilt" und gerne gegen Geflüchtete Ukrainer hetzt Image
Aug 16, 2023 23 tweets 9 min read
1/ BREAKING ⚡️: Der @ORF, #Wehrschütz, TikTok Account aus Polen für pro russische Propaganda, Verschwörungstheorien und Anti Europäisches Gedankengut namens Konrad Wichert, zwei manipulierte Videos und zwei russische Narrative. Schauen wir uns an ob der @ORF jetzt Russia Today Konkurrenz macht?

#Österreich #Ukraine #Україна 2/ Das Narrativ der Zwangsmobilisierung ist seit vorigem Jahr im 🇷🇺 Informationsraub verteilt um von den eigenen Problemen abzulenken. Nach der russischen Innformationskriegsführung bedeutet das 🇷🇺 die Probleme auf den Gegner abschiebe und durch Falschnachrichten beweist. Was ist das nur für ein Video?
Jul 30, 2023 11 tweets 7 min read
1/ #Österreich #Ukraine #Украина #NAFO Yesterday's rally of the radical right-wing and Freedom Party Near „Identitäre Bewegung“was covered by Russia Today. What does that mean?

Quite simply. The story is changed and published as a narrative in the Russian as well as the……
2/ The first thing to consider is that Russia Today never films without the agents (SVR, FSB, GRU) of the Russian embassy and their camouflaged institutions (Russian Cultural Institute, ...) knowing about it. This can be seen quite quickly when an article appears in St.……
Jul 16, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
1/ #Österreich #Austria Man könnte fast denken das dieses Stück direkt aus der Feder des Diktator Fans Wilhelm Langthaler kommt. So ist es nicht. Das teilt die @KJ_Oesterreich direkt und lässt die Gründe für die Inhaftierung hier weg um ein Narrativ der Menschenrechtsverletzung zu verbreiten. 2/ Wer sind Michail und Alexander Konovich? Beide sind weißrussische Staatsbürger und galten schon vorab als „Propagandisten“ mit dem Ziel die öffentliche Ordnung zu destabilisieren. Die Kononowytschs lebten viele Jahre lang in Lutsk. Hier verbreiteten sie russische Narrative, Fälschungen über den Faschismus in der Ukraine…

Bsp.: (Dieses Foto wird dazu verwendet um wenige Wochen vor Beginn der Invasion, das Narrativ „Nazis in der 🇺🇦 auf zu bauen und stammt aus 🇷🇺 Propaganda Kanälen“
Jul 11, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ #Россия Liberal Russia opposition media @KevinRothrock from @meduzaproject.

Oh. I think you don’t understand. We learned a lot in 1 1/2 years daily. Yes. There are good Russians like @betelgeuse1922 . He collected money & helped daily with an enormous effort.

In 1 1/2 years……
2/ Do you think your responsibility is done by kicking out some new fancy articles? Do you think the #Navalny Team responsibility is done by picking up Oscar’s, going shopping and playing the „we are fighting Putin“ award with fancy YouTube videos? Well. If it is that you clearly……
Jun 17, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
1/ Holy Fuck! It’s not only the Soviet Union flag, it’s also the Russian Imperial flag. And you thought it’s due to NATO expansions.

Russia and Zar Putin are showing their full imperial picture in St. Petersburg.

#NAFO #Austria #Russia #Ukraibe #Україна #Österreich #USA

Do…… Image 2/ Here is some context. That’s the ultra far right bei Nazis.… Image
Jun 5, 2023 13 tweets 7 min read
1/ #NAFO points on disinformation and #Russian influence. We are engaging it on every front and this time we point on a Russian propaganda event garbed as peace conference. This whole event is full of 🇷🇺 #Vatniks (propagandists). The peace tactic is a KGP instrument which has…… ImageImage 2/ as per the old version, we see the @SPOE_at near workers association @oegb_at was mentioned as CO-Host, but announced to step back. Anyway they still offer the location „ÖGB Catamaran“ for free and a lot of their 🇷🇺 influenced officials promote it. Anyway I believe that the…… ImageImage
Jun 2, 2023 14 tweets 12 min read
1/ #NAFO #Austria On 11th June there will be „Peace conference in Vienna“ fully aligned to Russian Propaganda and sponsored by Codepink. The event is coorganized by @oegb_at and will be located at the ÖGB building. ÖGB is an @SPOE_at organisation. Former President Heinz Fischer…… ImageImage 2/ Just to understand who Codepink is. They are not the peace activists they claim to be.
Apr 10, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
1/ #Österreich #Austria #NAFO #Україна For sure #Wögerer shares also the 2nd part of the „I love genocide warlords“ duo of the EU parlament. Claire Daly. So we have already a clear influence picture. That’s disgusting because… Image 2/ This both Russian assets are appeasing warlords were no sane person would cooperate with them. Playing the role of election observers to make manipulated elections and referendums look legitimate. ImageImage
Apr 8, 2023 11 tweets 10 min read
1/ #NAFO #Austria #Österreich This interview with David Stockinger is my new personal favorite. After this I don’t ask anymore if he wants to be western citizen or a Russian.… ImageImage 2/ that is the full Anti NATO &Anti Europe rant. He even describes NATO as the biggest security risk in the view of a Russian citizen or Duma member. ImageImageImageImage
Apr 4, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
1/ There is a pattern in this Russian bot accounts. They use

a) Nathalie Portman user pics
b) Russian net user pics
c) Random User links

You can use this link for reporting context as there are always digital traces. Every real face is stolen from the Russian net.… ImageImageImageImage 2/ ImageImage
Mar 30, 2023 10 tweets 7 min read
1/ That‘s why nobody should be suprised that nearly the half @SPOE_at didn’t attend the Selensky speech in the parliament. This party is under Russia influence like @FPOE_TV (FPÖ) and @volkspartei (ÖVP)! #Ukraine #USA #NAFO #Österreich #Austria 2/ Here are some examples for the #Russian Influence @SPOE_at.
Mar 29, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
1/ Ukraine #NAFO #USA This is a good point made by @HBrandstaetter and time to translate the known parts of the the contract between Putin‘s party „#Russia United“ and #Austria far right party „FPÖ“. Don’t forget: They don’t want to publish the full contract“ 2/ The first site just states who signed it: „The All-Russian political party <UNITED RUSSIA> Deputy Secretary of the General Council for internal Zheleznjak, acting on the basis of the decision of the Presi Party of November 28, 2016 on the one hand, and the „Freiheitliche……