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female bike racer 🚴🏻‍♀️🇺🇸 A man wearing a women's team kit is still a man.

Apr 9, 2023, 28 tweets

🧵Males in women's cycling - master thread🧵

"This is a tiny group of people. It's not an issue. It hardly affects anyone."

Every woman and girl at every level of competition deserves the right to race in a category free of male advantage.

#ThisNeverHappens #SaveWomensSports

Jillian Bearden (Jonathan)

Former mediocre male racer who quickly had success after transitioning to the female category. Raced with the pro women at the Colorado Classic. Masters national champion. Colorado state Champion.

Austin Killips

Went from never having raced bikes to racing at the elite level in women's road and cyclocross in just a few years. 3rd at the US National Cyclocross Championships in the women's elite. Raced @UCI_CX World Cup in Europe.

Molly Cameron

Raced for many years against males at the elite level while IDing as trans. No one cared. Now that independent, high-profile gravel races allow self-ID, Molly competes in those races against women.

Jenna Lingwood (James)

Women’s masters 40+ national cyclocross champion. 5th place in the 2022 women's elite national cyclocross championships. Lingwood raced for many years with males. Unsurprisingly, Lingwood has better results racing against females.

Tara Seplavy (Todd)

Mediocre racer as a male and slightly less mediocre racer as a female. Cycling journalist for Bicycling magazine. Angry and outspoken bully who wants to take down anyone who argues for the rights of biological women.

Sara Stearns (Robert)

Masters 70+ national and world track champion. Masters world record holder. Posts long-winded accounts of all the hard training it takes to succeed (as a male racing against women). Also happy to be recognized as one of the rare women in the aviation field.

Tiffany Thomas (Trent)

46 year old domestic pro racer for team LA Sweat. Started cycling on a Peloton bike at age 40 after getting winded walking up some stairs. Discovered he's "really good at it" after doing some beginner women's races.

Evelyn Williamson

One of two males who raced for elite women's team Pratt Racing. Always looks very "pro" on the podium.

Kristin Sundquist (Christian)

Raced in the nonbinary category at cyclocross nationals only because of stricter @UCI_cycling rules for trans athletes. (Claims to have a T level of .02nmol/l?) Was cat 2 in male cyclocross competition.

Zahava Barwin (Zack)

Races mountain bike and cyclocross in Canada.

Jacqueline Maunter (Jacob)

Races cyclocross for the Philly Bike Expo team (apparently remaining in the cat 4/5s since 2017, despite wins and podiums). Proud recipient of a Women Build Bikes grant.

Tessa Johnson (Michael)

Raced cx and road at Clemson University. Raced in the women's cat 4/5's in 2022 (beginner) for Comrade Cycles and dominated the 2022 season in Chicago.

Blake Hansen

Races mountain bikes. Has been featured by numerous publications as a "rider to watch" who is "breaking barriers" in mountain biking.

Roxy Bombardier (Roger)

Races cyclocross and gravel

Kenzie Statz (Kenneth)

Races road and mountain bike

Citlaly Carapia

Races road and mountain bike in Mexico

Kate Weatherly (Anton)

Races mountain bike in New Zealand. Was mediocre when racing against men, now races against elite females. National champion.

Ruth Seaman (Jeffrey)

Races road. Proud to have set a women's course record at the Pace Bend Ultra 12 Hour race at the age of 55.

Lesley Mumford (Wesley)

Races gravel and mountain bike. Preaches on social media about how dedication and training are what lead to podiums and opportunities for this self-described "mid-40's mom."

Lilly Chant (Joseph)

Races road and track in the UK.

Emily Bridges (Zach)

Was an elite junior male racer. Welcomed by male peers after transitioning. Feels victimized by British Cycling's crackdown on males wanting to race against women. Still races against women in races which are not sanctioned by British Cycling.

Sandy Hosey (Vincent)

Races road and cyclocross

Taryn Askew

Competes in bmx

Jordan Johnson

Races road and cyclocross for Ride or Die Collective.

Morgan Styer

Raced road and cyclocross through 2017. Was a midpack cat 4/5 male who became a successful cat 3 female ten years later.

Evelyn Sifton

Road and track racer for Shadow Elite women's cycling team.

Ana Sofia Zarate Vera (aka Sofia Zarate)

Races road for Team Drang by Olympica in Mexico. Has many wins and podiums.

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