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Conspiracy Analyst, Juxtaposer, Human

Apr 10, 2023, 41 tweets

"a paradigm shift for the whole planet"


"Central Bank Digital Currency is about government-sanctioned surveillance and control." —@TulsiGabbard

"This device is not a pilot but rather already going to be part of the technological tools the NYPD has at its disposal. It will be used in hostage negotiations, counterterrorism incidents and other situations as needed."


"Once the central bank digital currency is linked to all your credit cards and bank accounts then social controls can be implemented"

"literally a prison planet"


#CBDC #DigitalID #SocialCreditScore

"A digital identity verification system could be soon set up in the US … Introduced by Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz) and Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo), the S.884 bill is known as the “Improving Digital Identity Act of 2023”"


#CBDC #DigitalID #SocialCreditScore

"There really isn't a country of significance today that is NOT developing a central bank digital currency"

"a baton pass from the unipolar model to the so-called multi-polar model"

"Covid policy, biosecurity policy, technocratic policies, digital IDs, CBDCs - all of this stuff is even farther advanced in the BRICS countries than it is in the US"

"this is what the future is gonna look like - we should all take a warning of what the Trudeau government did in Canada" —RFK Jr

"Transhumanism ... This is the new eugenics ... Big Tech, Big Pharma, the financial oligarchs, academics, government leaders, and the military-industrial complex. These megalomaniacs have paved the road to another holocaust" —@VeraSharav


@VeraSharav "It's not just financial transactions, they want all your internet activity to be surveilled. So there's also this push to link everything you do online to a government-issued ID"

@VeraSharav "As Samuel Pisar told Congress in the early '70s, it was to create a single unified world economy where you have private Western capitalist enterprises merging their activities with communist state-run enterprises in ostensible adversary nations"

@VeraSharav #CBDCs:

@georgegalloway: "We're sleep-walking into it!"

@JamesMelville: "There needs to be a public debate ... It's too important to just slip through in complicated, under-the-radar legislation that isn't reported about in the media."

"Yesterday, New York City announced its plan to track the “food choices” of New Yorkers using credit card data from individual store purchases."


"We're seeing an absolute flood of CBDCs coming out all at once ... huge changes, geopolitical realignments ... it is a little overwhelming right now. There are just too many things happening all at once. This could be by design." —@chrismartenson

@chrismartenson "They can shut down your bank account and you're done. That's the system we're moving into right now and nobody's demanding this except the bankers and the establishment" —@jimmy_dore



@chrismartenson @jimmy_dore "By the way, could he look like more of a criminal character? ... He looks like a character out of a Dick Tracy movie."


@chrismartenson @jimmy_dore "We're not doing this to control you, we're doing it to protect you from terrorism!" 🙄


@chrismartenson @jimmy_dore "China’s digital currency...allows the country to monitor transactions, directly tax customer accounts and impose negative interest rates."

“I get why China would do it. I do not understand why the American people would be for that.” —@neelkashkari


@chrismartenson @jimmy_dore @neelkashkari "These people are psychopaths ... They're literally planning on putting us in digital concentration camps where we can't travel, we can't necessarily buy or eat the food we want ... they're going to confiscate property ..."


"Last week, at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings 2023, the Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) announced their official launch of Universal Monetary Unit (UMU), Unicoin, an international central bank digital currency (CBDC)"


"How is it going to work? We don't know. Will it be on your phone? Probably not. Will you have a plastic debit card? Probably not. Remember, @ProfessorWerner told us how this will work ..."

#CBDC #UnderTheSkin

"What do you think they meant by that - “Western values will be tested to the breaking point”?"



"digital currency - the beginning of slavery. Because if they control your bank account they control your behavior." —@RobertKennedyJr, Berlin, 29th August 2020


"Would you like a pill?"

"Do people understand on a gut level what could be coming?" —@TuckerCarlson

#CBDC #DigitalID #SocialCreditScore

@TuckerCarlson "The Bank of England's told us that these Central Bank Digital Currencies will be programmable ... That's how I think it's gonna get worse." —@MaajidNawaz

@TuckerCarlson @MaajidNawaz "We've got efforts afoot ...to securitize our health policy around the world and synchronize it all in one globalist technocratic tyranny. Meanwhile, we're fighting over what a woman is. I think that's being deliberately stoked so that we're looking over here and not looking up."

@TuckerCarlson @MaajidNawaz "Everything that happens in the public can be recorded. We can know exactly what is happening at every second, in every corner of the city."

#SmartCameras #DigitalIDs #SocialCreditScores

"War is a way out ... for bankers, not for us" —@DowdEdward


@DowdEdward "The banks are being collapsed!"

Catherine Austin Fitts and @KimIversenShow discuss the "end-game on the financial reset":


"The beauty of CBDCs is if you're worried about inflation you can just freeze everybody's bank accounts." —Catherine Austin Fitts


"The pandemic was a very successful financial operation ... disaster capitalism ... Basically we're looking at a crime syndicate."


"How would you like to pay? Cash or slavery?"

"The House of Representatives for North Carolina has unanimously passed legislation aimed at prohibiting payments to the U.S. state using a central bank digital currency, or CBDC."


"What happens when JPMorgan says …“Now that everyone in the country has put their money with us, we've decided to do away with credit cards, debit cards, and cash, and from now on the only way you're gonna be able to pay is with your face or your palm”?"

"The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects, and its object is not victory over Eurasia or Eastasia, but to keep the very structure of society intact."

"The movement looks an awful lot like white supremacy dressed up as techno-utopian utilitarianism."


"when the stage is set and the technical infrastructure is ready to go, the global financial system will be consciously and deliberately imploded ... Not a recession or a depression, but a cascading systems failure. A controlled demolition, if you will, of the financial system"

"With the introduction of digital money, the picture of this new dystopian architecture of totalitarian, technocratic control comes into sharp focus."

"I know where it's gonna end. We all know where it's gonna end. Anybody who's read history, anybody who's read George Orwell or Aldous Huxley ... knows where this is gonna end. And it's not in a good place." —@RobertKennedyJr


@RobertKennedyJr "The FedNow system is not a digital currency and it has nothing to do with a CBDC. It’s quite the opposite — improving the speed of retail bank payments, through FedNow, will instead significantly reduce the need for a CBDC in the United States."


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