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Apr 10th 2023
"Central Bank Digital Currency is about government-sanctioned surveillance and control." —@TulsiGabbard
"This device is not a pilot but rather already going to be part of the technological tools the NYPD has at its disposal. It will be used in hostage negotiations, counterterrorism incidents and other situations as needed."…
Read 41 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
This Bank for International Settlements spokespig explains that they consider your money to be their "expression of Central Bank liability". And naturally they want to control what's theirs.


"The goal is actually on the monetary side - that is the prize that they're aiming for: they're aiming for CBDCs connected to digital IDs. And that means we're talking about the most totalitarian control system in human history"…
CBDCs are programmable.

"there's never been such a powerful control tool as they're about to introduce" —@ProfessorWerner…
Read 49 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
"get rid of paper currency, you end up with digital currency run by the government - this is what they have in China, it's called “Programmable Currency” …Once they control the currency it's total control of everything you do. And there's no dissent."

#TurnkeyTotalitarianism: "when they turn it all on it's over ... Never in history has government, and totalitarian elements in our government, had the capacity to exercise such exquisite and total and pervasive control over every aspect of human behavior"

The future with CBDCs: "They can turn off your money. If they say you have to have a vaccine once a month, if you don't get the vaccine once a month they turn off your money. And that means they turn off your food, they turn off your travel ..."…
Read 36 tweets
Apr 17th 2020
What the f%$&$!!!!

A plan from 2005 to vaccine people with the VMAT2 Gene.

What is the VMAT2 Gene you might be wondering?

Watch "Leaked Pentagon Video 2005 - Vaccine for religious fundamentalism (FunVacs)" on YouTube
Geneticist Dean Hamer has suggested that a particular allele of the VMAT2 gene correlates with spirituality using data from a smoking survey, which included questions intended to measure "self-transcendence".…
The VMAT2 Gene is in other words called the GOD Gene.
Read 20 tweets

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