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Apr 11, 2023, 9 tweets

BEJESUS DA Bragg going HAM on Jordan —he’s taking Jordan to the woodshed & it’s glorious
“Basic principles of federalism and common sense, as well as binding Supreme Court precedent, forbid Congress from demanding it.
Congress has no power to supervise state criminal……

On one hand Jordan has crossed the rubicon of “legislative purpose” to an outright Trump swordsman. But Bragg reminds Jordon et al of the most basic constitutional rails. Yet Jordan is undeterred in touch their 3rd rail & his ass is going to get scorched

summary: there is ZERO legislative purpose for Jordan’s demands (spoiler Jordan knows this but his servile service to Trump actually trumps Jordan’s commonsense) it’s about sovereignty and states rights enshrined in our Constitution (Jim’s an idiotic mealy mouthed MAGA-stooge)……

Do me a HUGE favor run a word search: “ongoing criminal investigation“ (pages 7 & 24) that KEY phrase is likely going to be overlooked and it shouldn’t…
if Jordan keeps it up —DA Bragg might present evidence to a separate grand jury to return a new……

If you think Jordan is somehow protected by the Constitution’s speech & debate clause…
I regret to inform you that he has no such protections regarding a criminal State matter. If this is the hill Jordan wants to die on, so be it but there’s a reason Jordan……

TRO requested along with a permanent injunction —some might argue that’s a bit heavy handed but I’d say DA Bragg’s pragmatic approach resulted in today‘s reqyesterday…
“A declaratory judgment that the subpoena served on Mr. Pomerantz is invalid,……

You get what @grantstern is saying here right? That MAZARs ruling went up to SCOTUS —thus foreclosing on Jordan’s potential move to a Fed Dist Ct but more importantly it established a binding precedence

let me translate:
Jordan & Trump you keep it up at this rate DA Bragg might up charging you with conspiracy to obstruct justice, witness tampering etc
You did NOTthink this through
YOU‘ve OPENED yourself (and Trump) to discovery

Come ON —yes I’m criticizing DA Bragg because this is a rookie mistake:
“reference a Declaration of Theodore J. Boutrous, Jr., but the Court has not been provided with this document yet, nor is it on the docket. The Court also has not been provided with a copy of the subpoena……

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