Eric John Diesel Profile picture
Retired mathematician formerly floating about @ Stanford, UCLA, Caltech, MIT. Also philosophy of statistics/science and amateur Calif field botanist

Apr 18, 2023, 33 tweets

99/ Musk updated Twitter's hateful conduct policy to specifically remove protections for trans people, from targeted misgendering and deadnaming.

Musk previously wrote "the pendulum swung too far" towards equality for LGBTQ people (also see tweets #23, 43, & 87 above☝️).

100/ Musk-Twitter made this entire thread "unavailable" to some, but *not* to me & a few others.. except for the 1st & last tweet so it's not detected.

Twitter ZEROES out ENTIRE list of accounts I follow, so no one can DM me notice when it happens, & I don't get notifications.👇

101/ Musk-Twitter blanked my DMs & "Cautioned" everyone against viewing my profile & tweets when it ZEROED accounts I followed & made my Musk thread "unavailable" (see #100)

Non-explanation: "There has been some unusual activity from this account. Do you still want to visit it?"

102/ Musk CENSORS statisticians & medical experts, & boosts antiscience & antivaxxers so much (see #10 ), that he can't see reality-based science news over the noise he created!!!

103/ Musk cites Twitter Source to claim he was right re Fauci lied & killed millions:
Bulgarian blog site "Zero Hedge", article written by "Tyler Durden" (Fight Club fictional character played by Brad Pitt), w article citing Twitter conspiracy theorist @KanekoaTheGreat as source.

104/ Musk & his cult celebrate 4-20 as "Elon Musk Day".

It's also Hitler's Birthday.

It's also celebrated by psychopath killers as Columbine Mass Shooter Day.

The 100+ tweets in this thread, with 300+ Musk screenshots, show Musk ran out of "coincidence" as an excuse, long ago.

105/ Musk uses propaganda method that allows plausible deniability. He comments to antivaxxers, consp theorists, neonazis, antisemites, homophobes, racists, etc, to boost them/tweet. But comment is ambiguous, so Musk can deny anything. Eg:


106/ Musk ambiguously comments (see #105) & tweets

It appears overreach to interpret *individual* tweet or comment as boosting Nazis

But *collectively* (see #1-104), it's statistically impossible to be coincidental:
88, 4-20, Pepe, Kek, Ye, Baked Alaska, Bolsonaro, Wagner, etc

107/ Musk removed Legacy Blue checks from established journalists, & boosted paid Blues to top replies, so false info isn't visibly fact-checked.

When @DavidSacks boosted Jim Jordan's false leak re Blinken, & Musk boosted Sacks' tweet, 1st fact check was 1000s of replies down.

108/ (part 1/2) Musk made my replies invisible after posting this

new Meme-for-Twitter:

"Everything's Fine"

109/ (part 2/2) Musk made my replies invisible except to me (shadow ban), if they contained the words "new Meme-for-Twitter" with #108 vid clip☝️

Try posting those words w vid clip, or retweeting #108. Your tweet or retweet will be shadow banned, or you'll defeat my shadow ban👇

110/ Musk search banned tweet #107☝️, which showed how Musk & his crony, @DavidSacks, boosted Jim Jordan's FALSE INFO re Secretary of State Blinken & Twitter, then made *transcripts* disproving the false info invisible, by deboosting accounts without Twitter Blue.

111/ Musk is CENSORING new Twitter-meme in #108.

112/ Musk made Twitter a source of junk science re climate change.

Respected climate scientist @PeterGleick sums it up.

Boosting paid Blue-Check science-deniers to top of replies, & deboosting established scientists & journalists to last, makes Twitter a junk science cesspool.

113/ Spoutible is NOT a Musk alternative.

Owner @cbouzy faked data analysis in 2022 election, to promote #Spoutible. When I asked math/stats questions bc his "receipts" were math-nonsense, his cult attacked me as "racist", he blocked me, & his Bot Sent tagged me as "problematic"

114/ Musk Twitter Blue bars fact checks (# 107☝️) & boosts junk science (#112). With censorship (see #110 & 111), this promotes false belief of underpopulation threat.

Musk says it's *good* for men to have 10 kids like Musk, to boost population to 200 Billion in 2 generations!

115/ Musk wrecked fact checking (part 1/2).

People follow accts w record of accuracy.

Accts you follow used to be at top of comments.

Also at top were comments w many 'likes', from accts you don't follow.

Reliable info, fact checking a tweet, gets liked. (evidence based)

116/ Musk wrecked fact checking (part 2/2).

Also liked is junk replies (Blue Checks, cult-leader-based)

So you'd see fact checks mixed w junk at top

Now only Blue Check cult-based stuff is at top

No one reads 100s of comments to get to bottom, so Musk wrecked fact checking

117/ Musk censorship causes searches to say that account @TheeRougarou doesn't exist & has never been tagged by anyone.

Yet @TheeRougarou just tweeted this Twitter meme. (See tweet #1☝️ for explanation of meme.)

118/ Musk is creating an authoritarian version of "truth" using censorship, info manipulation, & AI "psyops" (#91☝️)

Musk calls it "Pravda" (Stalin's propaganda organ)👇

Musk censors info👇(& #76☝️) & masks evidence-based info (signal) w authority-based noise (#112, 114-116☝️)

119/ Musk made Twitter like FOX. Musk shows cult members lies,& won't let them see truth

Eg, @alx falsely boosted Musk

To see reply w evidence, cult must 1st read 100s of 'agree' replies by Blue Checks @ top, click "show more", read 100s more, then click "show offensive tweets"

120/ Musk lied about 3K caravan to US border, & censored correction

Musk chased PBS off Twitter (#97)

PBS wrote 3K protest march to Mexico City👇

Fake news acct (#103) copied story & changed destination to US border

Musk boosted lie👇

Musk censors corrections (#114-116, 119)

121/ Musk made this entire thread invisible in searches, except to people who follow me, & hid doing it.

This is despite my paying for Twitter Blue, which I only did because Musk made my replies totally invisible.

If he does this to other paying Blues, class action fraud suit?

122/ Musk made me & my tweets of Musk screenshots invisible in searches.

123/ Musk deboosts & double masks my replies, despite my buying Blue.

* deboosts my replies to last
* masks them with "show more replies"
* moves to last again
* then masks with "show additional replies, including those that may contain offensive content"

124/ MUSK greatly INCREASED CENSORSHIP since buying Twitter.

Musk *says* the opposite.

Musk increased Nazi hate speech on Twitter, & complied w Germany request to take some down.

But Musk also censored journalists at request of authoritarian/sectarian govts in Turkey & India.

125/ Community Notes is a fraud

Veto is given to math/science-illiterates, pseudoscience, antiscience, antivax, climate/election deniers

If you complain, Musk makes your tweets "unavailable" (#76), or invisible in searches & deboosted & tagged "harmful/offensive" (#121-123) &👇

126/ Musk's fake news site PLAGIARIZED a PBS story about *protest march to Mexico City*, CHANGED HEADLINE to *caravan to US Border*, & Musk boosted LIE. (#120)

I complained @CommunityNotes wouldn't correct, Musk cult falsely reported "harmful" (#125), & Musk SHADOWBANNED me.👇

127/ Musk allows calls to kidnap and kill all trans people, & threat to kill Muslims.

Tweet says Hitler's genocide is good idea, but for trans people not Jews, w Auschwitz pic.

Musk wouldn't take down for genocidal call, until someone reported acct for "impersonating" someone.

128/ Musk's @CommunityNotes CN is a fraud.

CN won't correct Musk's false tweet about virus research, bc anonymous Twitter accts outweigh National Academy of Sciences & National Institute of Health (#15)

CN flags tweets based on anonymous Twitter accounts as reliable sources.👇

129/ Big class action suit? Musk falsely advertised pay $8 will move replies to top & stop search bans, masking, & deboosting

Musk did opposite & hid it (#121-123) w accts fact checking false tweets by Musk accts (#15, 120)

Users lost $ in hours tweeting to nowhere, not just $8

130/ Musk & co violated Wire Fraud, Conspiracy, & RICO?

Musk Wire Fraud by false advertising Blue, & conscious of guilt by hiding it (#129)

Also false advertised celebs paid $8 & gave phone #

Conspiracy w employees

WF & Conspiracy are RICO predicates, & Twitter is enterprise

131/ Thank you for reading this thread.

I tried to design it so most tweets were self-contained, so they could be retweeted without additional context.

If you have suggestions for additions, please leave comment to this tweet.

Hopefully someone will act on #129 & #130.


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