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Apr 19, 2023, 8 tweets


For years, people have been taking shots at the hordes of Westen men who engage in “sex tourism” in Asia

These men, often romantically unhappy at home in the West, come to Asia to find a partner who they hope is more desirable & traditional than the women in their home country

Upon traveling to South Korea, I expected to find many such pairings: western men with women from Seoul


I was SHOCKED to find the OPPOSITE

I have seen literally HUNDREDS of western WOMEN here, in groups or doing solo travel, searching for and finding MEN!!

These women, most often socially maladjusted and terminally obsessed with K-pop, have decided to leave their homeland to roam the streets of Seoul and hope to pick up the kinds of men that they have watched be idealized within the K-pop universe.

Unfortunately, the men of Seoul do not understand that they are being objectified at such an extreme level by these sex-obsessed western women who are consumed with the k-pop phenomenon

These men often go along with this female predatory behavior very willingly

These women are also extremely obsessed with appropriating the Korean culture, and they hope to ensnare a man of Seoul by dressing up in traditional attire

Often, western women are very sexually aggressive and SCARE the Korean men who are not culturally accustomed to such behavior

I think as western women begin to have more disposable income than their male counterparts, we are going to see more female sexpat/ sex tourism behavior.

Women are increasingly able to skip town to find their ideal partner, at the expense of the cultures they run to

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