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25 ∙ she/her ∙ au writer ∙ rpf ∙ OT7 ∙ makin’ moves (towards my bed) ∙ ao3: https://t.co/PaiUmPBvMt

Apr 23, 2023, 15 tweets

#taegi au where taehyung has an important revelation about his date

some haegeum-inspired crack for you 🫶

also this was written in one go and is probably just extremely all over the place but lol when are my aus NOT like that amirite 👉🏼👉🏼

ignore date and time stamps!

1. any french/french-speaking people willing to translate seokjin’s tweet?

2. I did once swipe right on a profile with no pictures what does that say about me

3. will I include yoongi being a simp for tae’s puppy eyes in every au? yes, yes I will

4. hehe

5. I want a secret room in my house but instead of guns I want it to hold all the bts albums I’ll be able to buy if I’m rich enough to afford a secret room

6. post-drug deal horny adrenaline is no joke

7. everyone has their priorities what can I say

8. oh how the turns have tabled

9. plot twist?

10. oh how the turns have tabled (2)

the end!✨

don’t ask me what this is just blame it on the d-day overdose


stream this debut album by a new 4th gen solo artist!!! he’s really good I promise!!!! give him a shot!!!!


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