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Editor-in-Chief @VigilantNews. Writer, video clipper, and pro-freedom citizen journalist with 12 years of healthcare experience.

Apr 23, 2023, 6 tweets

.@RobertKennedyJr: "Tony Fauci Knew That Remdesivir Would Kill You"

"How does it kill you?" he asked. "Kidney failure, heart failure, and all-organ collapse."

"All the doctors said. You heard it again and again. 'We've never seen a virus that attacks the kidneys.' Because it……

Death by Remdesivir: Under Fauci, We Had the Highest Body Count in the World

"It [Remdesivir] was Tony Fauci's pet drug. We were the only ones that had it for a year. And we – in our country – we have 4.2% of the global population; we had almost 20% of global deaths from COVID.……

Dr. Paul Marik (@drpaulmarik1) in January 2022:

"The federal government is incentivizing hospitals to prescribe a medication which is toxic."

'It Has No Place in Medicine': The U.S. Government Will Give a 20% Bonus for Prescribing a Toxic Drug

Dr. Paul Marik (in December 2022) recalled how his hospital did not allow him to use methylprednisolone or vitamin C for Covid-19. Instead, they wanted him to use remdesivir, a……

Dr. David Martin: 'We Murdered People' With Remdesivir

"It [Remdesivir] was so deadly that the World Health Organization itself pulled the drug from consideration for Ebola treatments," denoted Dr. Martin.

"We let that publication of information in 2018 fail to inform our……

I have a log of thousands of clipped videos at my fingertips with respect to COVID-19 and the subsequent injections.

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