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Apr 24, 2023, 10 tweets

It’s no accident the number of woke transgender youth doubled in the last 5 years, and children mastectomies are up 389%. It’s a direct result of the radical ‘woke’ agenda being pushed on our kids by healthcare, MSM, and left.

A 🧵 for awareness👇

Here’s a prev thread on #Wokeness

LGBT population is exploding in the recent years, possibly due to greater acceptance in the society and other causes

These deaths are preventable by just counseling these kids. They’re preventable by eliminating greedy clinics and doctors through indictments and litigation.

Punish these doctors, take away their license to practice again.

Punish the #BigPharma and greedy medical mafia for pushing puberty blockers, early hormone treatments etc. genital mutations, genital reconstructions and other risky procedures.

Resist their brainwashing

They’re exploiting legal loopholes to get out of prisons and exploit women and children once they’re out.

What could go wrong here 🤷‍♂️

Gender doctor brags about performing gender reassignment surgery on autistic kids… who don’t know better

These guys are Frankenstein monsters

Texas Pharmacist who prescribes hormones for teens to transition confirms pumping kids with testosterone can lead to “aggression” and make them feel “lethargic”.

Send him to prison

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