Er. Purnima NATH #USCongressWI4 Candidate🇺🇲 Profile picture
TV Debater. Writer. Speaker. HINDU࿕ॐ. Founder nonprofit. #SecMkeGop #Advocator #Geopolitics #NationalSecurity #Religion @iExit9. MBA @kelloggschool & Engineer

Apr 24, 2023, 6 tweets

Hindus of India: Did you know this? I AM CONCERNED. @narendramodi has done a fantastic job for #INDIA in terms of dev & global stature. But are the govt. benefits being extended to Hindus by his govt.? Did this appeasement buy @BJP4India MUSLIM VOTE BANK? #Islamization #India

A well-funded antiModi agenda is pushed in America by the eternal haters of Hindus with a narrative that Modi govt is a Hindu-Nationalist govt. Somehow, Hindu nationalists are extremists. But then, Modi seem to have done more for secularism & Muslims on the taxpayers money &……

In America, a narrative is being SHOVED by the Islamic groups (+alliance with Casteist Ambedkarite neoBuddhists/Convert-Christians groups, Khalistan McSikh separatists, & Marxists) that Modi is antiMuslim. Does these headlines tell that story? Or the opposite? I question: What……

So, the narrative on the street pushed by Muslim groups is, @BJP4India is antiMuslim. In my opinion, these Muslims groups did a FANTASTIC job promoting propaganda against Hindus, RSS, BJP, Modi, & India; & also ensure #HinduDiaspora is targeted outside India. So then why do they……

In America, Muslim groups (+their nexus) promoted a SINISTER NARRATIVE that @BJP4India @narendramodi @RSSorg & #ModisIndia are antiMinority, especially antiMuslim. Question is, how did these antiHindu groups succeeded spreading misinformation/disinformation (& CONTINUE TO DO SO)……

@narendramodi is undoubtedly the BEST so far for 🇮🇳. No question of his Hinduness & nationalism.

Q: What MODI had done for forever-genocided & suppressed 🕉️s? Foreign entities labeled him as antiMuslim & antiMinority? But his welfare never supported 🕉️s?

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