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Apr 25, 2023, 8 tweets

Tucker Carlson a VIP regular at Comet Pizza ~ Washington Post 2007


Tucker as a VIP could listen to the band's like Amanda Kleinman's Heavy Breathing

Tucker Carlson also likely enjoyed Sex Stains who played at Comet Pizza.

Interesting triangle in a triangle

Look closely that symbol the same as the FBI claimed as a pedo one. The "boy lover" triangle.


The band Heavy Breathing

Audience: He likes little boys, children

Heavy Breathing vocalist: we all have our preferences

Was Tucker Carlson at Comet Ping Pong & Pizza that night??? #PizzaGate

From 2017 by Marty Leeds #Pizzagate a primer.

Anyone looking for these old images which were on public accounts. Lot of people were suspended. Yandex much better than Google for this topic odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:…

Playing ping pong at the White House picture of Obama. Extraordinary access for a high school drop out running a pizza place.

As above so below.

Tucker Carlson was a VIP regular here.

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