Silver Spook Profile picture
Creator of Neofeud Native Hawaiian, social worker, teacher. Kia'i. Cyberpunk. AKA Chris Miller. Non-Binary/Mahu. Married to @allergictoblu

Apr 25, 2023, 18 tweets

The US banned Hawaiian language, poisons our water, devastated our universal healthcare, overthrew our country, & illegally occupies Hawaii to this day. My mother's hands were broken for speaking Hawaiian in school. The US is not a beacon, but the destroyer of independence.

Hawaii is a Disneyland-like resort built over our indigenous communities & ancestor's graves, made to do bastardizations of sacred dances, in 'sexy feather headresses' & entertain the rich tourists for starvation wages, 12 hrs a day 7 days a week, drinking jet fuel poisoned water

US-occupied Hawaii is living sardine-packed 20-to-an-apartment next to methlabs, paying $3k / month, getting raped by Americans in tacky hotels, especially US soldiers. And then be arrested for speaking your own language, dying in prison, or of diabetes at age 39.

Help us Native Hawaiians keep doing more educational and resisting colonial oppression.

As millions of Americans go hungry & #EastPalestine wrecks occur daily due to capitalist greed, remember Hawaii had world-class public owned rail, electric, and universal healthcare. If the US had learned from our socialist system, disasters like these would've been averted

Many Americans think that Hawai'ians lived in huts prior to colonization. The US actually de-industrialized Hawai'i. Before 1898, Hawai'i already had mass transit, railroads. The city of Honolulu was lit by nationalized, renewable hydropower before the White House had electricity

54% of Americans can't read above a 6th grade level TODAY, teachers quit in droves, w/ trillions in student debt which graduates can't pay. A stark contrast to Hawaii's universal free quality education. We had the world's highest literacy rate (98%).

Kalakaua, one of our leaders, had invented a sub-aquatic vehicle when Jules Verne was still dreaming up 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. Hawai'i was a living Wakanda - an indigenous future: more technologically, economically, and socio-politically advanced than any Western Nation.

The sovereign country of Hawaii had Black citizens before the US Civil War. In fact, US slaves that stepped onto Hawaiian soil were considered free. Chinese were full citizens in Hawaii as US chained them up to build railroads & West Coast, w/terrible racism, lynching of Asians.

An example of actual equality, democracy, existing socialism without racial hatred, greater technological advancement in a POC nation - it put the US, the West, and Europe to shame, blew their 'White Man's Burden' out of the water -- which was why they illegally crushed Hawaii.

Hawaii's coup - backed by US gunboat diplomacy - to smash a Non-White country's building of an actual anti-racist, socialist, thriving country was the blueprint that would later be used on countless Asian, Pacific Islander, Latin American, African, countries across the world.

To push the country back into poverty, dis-educate its people, 'obliterate the history', de-develop its infrastructure, and plunder resources and cheap labor. (Homeless tent city is where I worked as social worker/STEM teacher for impoverished Hawaiians / AAPI at-risk youth)

A thread on my game Neofeud about my life as an impoverished Hawaiian, social worker and STEM teacher for other poor/homeless, living in slums beneath billionaire mansions. My experiences refracted through the lens of satirical cyberpunk.

War with China is a final, dangerous death-kick of the US empire. Here is a history of both Hawaii and Taiwan, and how we both need liberation from Western imperialism from a Native Hawaiian perspective. (Taiwan's Austronesian people are relatives of ours)

More on the US' ongoing poisoning of its own troops and Native Hawaiians dumping jet fuel in our water at Red Hill. US should take care of its suffering citizens rather than pushing unhinged war on China.

More on the racial equality in 1800's Hawaii during US slavery, & in 2023 the US continues to pay mere lip-service while committing more racialized police killings and racial inequity grows:

More on the US ban of our Hawaiian language and culture, and how the US continues to punish Native Hawaiian children for speaking Hawaiian to this day with no consequences for the perpetrators.

We Hawaiians don't need 'representation' in the US empire, we need an end of destruction of our land, resources, culture, and genocidal, capitalist US occupation.

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