Silver Spook Profile picture
Creator of Neofeud Native Hawaiian, social worker, teacher. Kia'i. Cyberpunk. AKA Chris Miller. Non-Binary/Mahu. Married to @allergictoblu
dougienewman Profile picture Achim Super Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 12 19 tweets 13 min read
The US banned Hawaiian language, overthrew our country, let us die in Maui fires, devastated our universal healthcare, & illegally occupies Hawaii to this day. My mother's hands were broken for speaking Hawaiian in school. The US is not a beacon, but the destroyer of independence Hawaii is a Disneyland-like resort built over our indigenous communities & ancestor's graves, made to do bastardizations of sacred dances, in 'sexy feather headresses' & entertain the rich tourists for starvation wages, 12 hrs a day 7 days a week, drinking jet fuel poisoned water

Jun 11 15 tweets 7 min read
Hawaiian pizza isn't 'Hawaiian' but a colonizer's invention to make tons of money in collaboration with Dole, who helped overthrow our sovereign country, resulting in genocide of Hawaiians, banning our culture, language, and erasing the history.
It was created in Canada by a Sam Panopoulos, who used pineapples Hawaiian Canned Pineapple Co.. HCPC a brand of the now Dole Food Corporation, a company founded by James Dole, cousin of Sanford Dole - a wealthy oligarch who collaborated with the US military to steal our country.
Apr 1 14 tweets 7 min read
The US imperial rulers, the same ones bulldozing bodies at Al Shifa, is preparing for nuclear WWIII against China, using Hawaii as training ground. You are being prepped with daily g3noc!de images to accept coming mass annihilation. Image "POHAKULOA TRAINING RANGE, Hawaii — The Marine gunner knelt... positioned the rocket launcher on his shoulder, focused the sights on his target, a rusted armored vehicle 400 yards away." The sickening glee in describing this WWIII nightmare, practiced in my homeland is revolting. Image
Feb 25 7 tweets 2 min read
School is where kids
-Get covid brain and organ damage
-Get bullied (especially if #trans #indigenous non-white)
-Be conditioned into an order-taking capitalist cog in your future tyrannical workplace
-be babysat while parents are capitalist cogs 8+ hrs / day spreading plague In school you also
-Get substandard education (54% of US is below junior high reading level BEFORE covid neuron destruction)
-Forced indoctrination into American exceptionalism / capitalism / fictional history / brain poison.
...Wait nevermind. Schools out forever!
Oct 31, 2023 22 tweets 13 min read
The US banned Hawaiian language, overthrew our country, let us die in Maui fires, devastated our universal healthcare, & illegally occupies Hawaii to this day. My mother's hands were broken for speaking Hawaiian in school. The US is not a beacon, but the destroyer of independence Hawaii is a Disneyland-like resort built over our indigenous communities & ancestor's graves, made to do bastardizations of sacred dances, in 'sexy feather headresses' & entertain the rich tourists for starvation wages, 12 hrs a day 7 days a week, drinking jet fuel poisoned water

Aug 14, 2023 28 tweets 16 min read
The US banned Hawaiian language, overthrew our country, let us die in Maui fires, devastated our universal healthcare, & illegally occupies Hawaii to this day. My mother's hands were broken for speaking Hawaiian in school. The US is not a beacon, but the destroyer of independence Hawaii is a Disneyland-like resort built over our indigenous communities & ancestor's graves, made to do bastardizations of sacred dances, in 'sexy feather headresses' & entertain the rich tourists for starvation wages, 12 hrs a day 7 days a week, drinking jet fuel poisoned water

Jul 4, 2023 20 tweets 12 min read
The US banned Hawaiian language, poisons our water, devastated our universal healthcare, overthrew our country, & illegally occupies Hawaii to this day. My mother's hands were broken for speaking Hawaiian in school. The US is not a beacon but the destroyer of independence. #July4 Hawaii is a Disneyland-like resort built over our indigenous communities & ancestor's graves, made to do bastardizations of sacred dances, in 'sexy feather headresses' & entertain the rich tourists for starvation wages, 12 hrs a day 7 days a week, drinking jet fuel poisoned water

May 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
As a Native Hawaiian I can confirm this! The US has been illegally occupying Hawaii, banned our language and culture, and literally beat the Hawaiian language out of my mom in schools. It is an ongoing crime against humanity what the US is doing here. More on the US ban of Hawaiian language and culture, & illegal US occupation of Hawaii on our stolen land, the US military poisoning our water along w/ other Pacific Islands to make imperialist war on China and all of Asia to maintain global supremacy.
May 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
As a Native Hawaiian, I think Disney should cancel Moana, & stop stealing Hawaiian culture for profit. Also, end the $144 million Disney Aulani resort on our stolen land, & stop collaborating with the US military occupation that poisons our water, & banned our language & culture. Image Disney & the rest of the exploitative US corporate entertainment industry should also stop abusing their writers, actors and other workers. Executives make tens of millions while writers have been skipping meals to get by. Image
May 18, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
You will not eradicate us queer indigenous people, colonizers. Kiss my sweet native trans ass. #indigenous #LGBTQ Image More on the struggle of us Native Hawaiians and LGBTQ+ people (especially we who are both) against the ongoing US genocidal occupation of Hawaii:
May 18, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
The US banned Hawaiian language, poisons our water, devastated our universal healthcare, overthrew our country, & illegally occupies Hawaii to this day. My mother's hands were broken for speaking Hawaiian in school. The US is not a beacon, but the destroyer of independence. Hawaii is a Disneyland-like resort built over our indigenous communities & ancestor's graves, made to do bastardizations of sacred dances, in 'sexy feather headresses' & entertain the rich tourists for starvation wages, 12 hrs a day 7 days a week, drinking jet fuel poisoned water ImageImageImageImage
Apr 25, 2023 18 tweets 11 min read
The US banned Hawaiian language, poisons our water, devastated our universal healthcare, overthrew our country, & illegally occupies Hawaii to this day. My mother's hands were broken for speaking Hawaiian in school. The US is not a beacon, but the destroyer of independence. Hawaii is a Disneyland-like resort built over our indigenous communities & ancestor's graves, made to do bastardizations of sacred dances, in 'sexy feather headresses' & entertain the rich tourists for starvation wages, 12 hrs a day 7 days a week, drinking jet fuel poisoned water ImageImageImageImage
Apr 12, 2023 13 tweets 9 min read
The US banned Hawaiian language, poisons our water, invaded our country, & illegally occupies Hawaii to this day, but speaks of 'supporting Taiwan independence'. My mother's hands were broken for speaking Hawaiian in school, and we are punished TODAY for speaking Hawaiian. We indigenous peoples of Hawaii, Taiwan, New Zealand, all the way to Madagascar share common origin, language & master wayfinding (Ho'okele). Nearly wiped out during Western colonization, my Hawaiian language & culture was banned by the US, & the the Dutch subjugated Taiwan. ImageImageImageImage
Apr 5, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
Hawaii is a Disneyland-like resort built over our indigenous communities & ancestor's graves, made to do bastardizations of sacred dances, in 'sexy feather headresses' & entertain the rich tourists for starvation wages, 12 hrs a day 7 days a week, drinking jet fuel poisoned water ImageImageImageImage US-occupied Hawaii is living sardine-packed 20-to-an-apartment next to methlabs, paying $3k / month, getting raped by Americans in tacky hotels, especially US soldiers. And then be arrested for speaking your own language, dying in prison, or of diabetes at age 39. ImageImageImageImage
Mar 7, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
As the US tries to erase trans people, remember trans, non-binary & gender-fluid people are accepted in Hawaiian culture (i.e. mahu), & play vital roles in our resistance against colonization & US genocide of Hawaiians. Binary gender is a Western, imperial concept, forced on us. ImageImageImageImage I often alter my own presentation. I'm in support of LGBTQ+ rights generally, but this is also about self-decolonization & reclamation of gender-fluid Hawaiian culture that was stolen from me. Hawaiian language was banned by the US, when I was born. Image
Feb 28, 2023 13 tweets 8 min read
The US banned Hawaiian language, poisons our water, devastated our universal healthcare, overthrew our country, & illegally occupies Hawaii to this day. My mother's hands were broken for speaking Hawaiian in school. The US is not a beacon, but the destroyer of independence. As America 'considers' canceling student debt, remember 1800's Hawaii had the world's highest literacy rate, invented submarines when Western sci-fi dreamt them, had first-class rail & hydro powered cities & we had FREE education before the US' treachery and privatization.
Jan 31, 2023 33 tweets 13 min read
The US banned Hawaiian language, poisons our water, devastated our universal healthcare, overthrew our country, & illegally occupies Hawaii to this day. My mother's hands were broken for speaking Hawaiian in school. The US is not a beacon, but the destroyer of independence. The US military poisoned our Hawaiian water supply, still hasn't cleaned the jet fuel in our aquifer or shut down it's tanks, and all of Oahu's water supply could soon become unusable due to petroleum, salt, & PFOS contamination. ImageImageImageImage
Jan 2, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
Since the US banned our Hawaiian language, it nearly went extinct. Less than 100 kids spoke it in the 80's. Kids are STILL punished for speaking Hawaiian today.
The fact we've 30,000+ Hawaiians speakers now is testament to our struggle to preserve our culture from eradication. Hawaii also leads the US in the school-to-prison pipeline - #1 in rounding up children, especially Native Hawaiians. Part of the continued US attempt to destroy us indigenous people and lifeways.
Nov 29, 2022 12 tweets 7 min read
Pele is coming for y'all military & colonizer resorts. The US' been bombing Hawaii for a century, made an island uninhabitable (Kahoolawe). You stage, train, & launch most US wars from Hawaii - Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan, dumping toxic waste & jet fuel. Lava is aiming for you
Nov 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Shut up you imperialist hack. Klein's 'international left' is a liberal ivory tower. For the West who forget the US & friends is currently run by authoritarian zero-democracy regimes who suppress us Hawaiians, mass-arrest us, poison our water, and worse, here is a history lesson.
Nov 28, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Cancel your Hawaiian vacation, sell your 'piece of paradise', before the lava swallows it up! Image Treat Your Earth / Mama Right - A song for our Hawaiian goddess Pele who burned countless disrespectful men to ash with roaring streams of lava.… ImageImage