Michael Mo Profile picture
Konishi Scholar in East Asian Studies @UniofNewcastle| MRes @POLISatLeeds| LLM Human Rights @HKULaw| Ex-#HongKong district councillor| Ex-campaigner @amnestyhk

Apr 29, 2023, 6 tweets

The #HongKong Gestapo, aka NSL police, forced former pro-democracy labour union HKCTU members Joe Wong and Denny To to call off the planned #LabourDay protest. HKCTU was disbanded last year.

It reminds me of pics taken on May Day 2005. Might never watch these in HK again.

Leading the protest is, of course, the head of the HKCTU Lee Cheuk Yan.

In the heart of Causeway Bay, the protest went along the roads of "usual protest route" of the #HongKong island - From Victoria Park to Gov HQ.

Lee is now behind bars for organising "illegal assembly".

Migrant domestic workers were the long-term supporters of the annual #MayDay protests. From wages to mandatory live-in arrangements, they've been campaigning for policy changes to make the city a friendly workplace for MDWs. At peak, there were ~390K of them serving HK families.

Children were also part of the #MayDay protest back then. The city was so safe for kids to join the peaceful assemblies, and the police didn't bother cracking down or making a fuss.

No more.

There were performances outside of the former Gov HQ too. Good old days.

W/ #Peking's head of #HongKong affairs Xia Baolong voiced his intolerance of protests, these scenes will unlikely be seen again on the streets of the city even though some people were brave enough to try.
Another way to show HK is no longer the same and the world can't be fooled

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