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May 2, 2023, 12 tweets






Hotel Konstantinos Palaiologos

Konstantinos Palaiologos Hotel

🧵 25/
Konstantinos Palaiologos Hotel

#Konstantinos #Palaiologos, was originally one of the so-called national plots given to #Greek #revolutionaries of 1821's, or purchased by wealthy merchant families those times. The first owner of the plot is Konstantinos Lalas from #NorthernEpirus.

Then D. Panagoulis from Lampia Ilia, while at 1898 to the raisin merchant Leonto Messenezis, being consul general of 🇬🇷 in London, wealthy family from Chios which #participated in the 1821 #Struggle. From 1919-1963 it became the property of G. Marketos.

Always remains an architectural gem of the city center. For many years it was the "School of People" and later on Patraiki Mandolinata.

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