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She/her on a passionate mission for equality. Love people & love technology. Can offend academics and complex thinkers by simplifying everything! ❤️ 💃🏻 💪🏽

May 3, 2023, 10 tweets

@RobinTeigland takes the stage now to build on the trends we just heard with a focus on a green future #LTUK23

‘Raise a shared collective discussion about what’s likely to happen in the future’ @RobinTeigland like @NjeriMwagiru encourages us to leverage networks to find different vantage points #LT23UK

‘To them, face to face means avatar to avatar’ @RobinTeigland


Is AI hindering or enabling? @RobinTeigland speaks about the possibilities and the risks. First mention of ChatGPT at #LT23UK

Surely this slide from @RobinTeigland will be the tone for the next two days at #LT23UK

@RobinTeigland challenges norms around value creation. She speaks to her work in sustainability. Examples of challenging manufacturing to utilise digital recycling approaches. #LT23UK

Huge focus on leveraging networks. Incredibly inspiring opportunity for us to consider our networks, how we leverage them and if they’re fit for the modern context.

Does A or B best represent your network? #LTUK23

‘We can develop a mindset of abundance’ @NjeriMwagiru

Continued focus on leveraging networks smartly to anticipate what’s coming. This extends to our competitors.

‘We need to rethink our basic assumptions’ @RobinTeigland

From ways of working to the definition of words. #LTUK23

‘Categorise change and uncertainty’ big impact, low impact. Huge uncertainty, minor uncertainty to help prioritise. We can think about change ‘in a structured way’ @RobinTeigland

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