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May 3, 2023, 8 tweets

🥁New Thread with something new learning
Payment Gateway @ASETPay under #Zetachain ecosystem🧵

👀 Testnet #Airdrop Confirmed 🪂

#ASETPay is a New @PayPal & @stripe of #Crypto 💳

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🌎General Overview on @ASETPay

▫️Fast and secure transactions are guaranteed by the online payment gateway #ASETPay & allowing merchants to make payments through ZetaChain on systems like @PayPal and @stripe 🚀

📌 Almost 15% is allocated for testnet user community🚀



Total Supply: 100 million $ASET Token
Testnet allocation: 15% of total supply

Most important is 40% will be locked for 10 years which show the long term vision of the Project.


Testnet Tasks👇

1⃣Claim Zetachain Testnet Entry Pass
2⃣Perform Zealy tasks


1⃣We have to claim testnet entry pass because when testnet goes live this entry pass will lead us to be eligible for performing testnet.

▫️Add Zetachain Rpc:…

▫️Join Discord:
Go to faucet and claim

See screenshots 👁👁


▫️Zetachain Minting link :

▫️After minting scroll down and take screenshot of Test NFT mint and send it to testnet feedback channel in Zetachain discord (Its Optional)

Follow screenshot 👁👁


2⃣Perform #Zealy Tasks

Zealy Link:…

▫️Perform the given task and grab Zeta TestNet Pass Role Claim ROLE✅


💪Stick with our community for further updates regarding #Airdrops 🪂

✅If you have Any Update, DM us on Twitter💌

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