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🌾 Saskatchewan 🌾 🎙️@legacyofabuse

May 3, 2023, 7 tweets

So what’s in these reports? Here are some pages of the reports about Legacy and what’s in them. These reports were written by Min of Education staffer, Mike Walters. 🧵

While Mile Two/Legacy has tried to trick the public with the ole “but we’ve changed” schtick, we can see from the admin reports they are still suspending students for what they do at home, or on the weekends. Completely against the policies in The Education Act. #legacyofabuse

Then there’s that big ole surplus Legacy Christian Academy is running up. That’s right, Legacy is running a major surplus, and has been for several years. Funny thing though, the surplus they end the year with, 75% disappears by the start of the next school yr. #LegacyOfAbuse

A staff member, now VP at Legacy, wanted to bring in someone who is listed in the statement of claim to speak to students! How lovely. #LegacyOfAbuse #butwevechanged

Remember that big Ole surplus their running? They have the 💰but didn’t want to pay for an assessment for a student who needed one. I will applaud Mike for authorizing that, even though Mike Two leadership didn’t want the student to have that support. #legacyofabuse #sameoldshit

There’s also several mentions of having the staff “working on aligning” the curriculum. Funny, the first inspection report in 2011 says the same thing. Here we are in 2023 and it’s still magically not aligned with provincial outcomes. #legacyofabuse

Oh yeah, and this is a good one 🤦🏼‍♀️Certain staff @ Legacy going over the Admins head & doing things they shouldn’t have, and the church leadership coming to the admin asking if teachers w/signed agreements with SPTRB can be hired back…. (Last point #8) #legacyofabuse #sameshit

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