Sarah Hudson Profile picture
Cardiologist- Heart Failure & Advanced Echo Digital Health - Topol Digital Fellow 2019/2020 Section editor Cardiology in Focus @heart_bmj

May 5, 2023, 11 tweets

Top Ten slides from day 1 of the @BSHeartFailure meeting @JubileeHospital conference centre in Glasgow. A 🧵for all in the #HF MDT

1) Hypotension with HF meds- less than you might think- mean SBP⬇️ at 6m 1-2mmHg with eplerenone & 2mmHg with SGLT2i

Slide shown by @_antocannata

2) Summary slide of drugs that may be used in shock plotted on a scale of inotropy and vasoconstriction.

Slide shown as part of a case discussion by Daniel Doherty #HF

3) A reminder that the absence of crackles and a normal CXR do not exclude ⬆️ PCWP

Slide shown by @drpmcampbell #HF

4) Summary of sensitivity and specificity of various signs and symptoms for congestion

Slide shown by Ross Campbell #HF

5) Reminder of the gains to be made by OMT in #HF - 5 yrs of life gained vs no therapy

Slide shown by @TheresaMcDonag3

6) Comprehensive summary table of effects of different #HF drugs on HR/BP/egfr/K

Slide shown by @_antocannata

7) How sensitive & specific is ferritin as a surrogate for iron deficiency?

Slide shown by @JJCuthbert

8) Has the #HF world taken a wrong turn? Should we be more focused on TSAT?

Slide shown by @JJCuthbert

9) Strengths and weaknesses of ADVOR

Shown by Ross Campbell

10) Could CRT be useful for HFpEF? Still theoretical at present but interesting concept

Slide shown by Zaheer Yousef

Finally an honorary mention to @markcpetrie20 and @ProfDConnelly for a fabulous interactive case discussion & including a tribute to May 4th

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