Mark Charles Bashaw Profile picture

May 6, 2023, 19 tweets

I took this swab out of a QuckView C19 test kit and put it under a microscope.

The DOD forced 3 different brands of these kits on Service Members: QuickView, BinaxNow, and Inteliswab.

I got Court Martialed and convicted after trying to warn about these experimental products.

For reference, here is a standard Q-tip.…

Emergency Use Authorized means, the individual who participates takes on all the risk with no recourse if injured or killed. “Covered Persons” (Governments, Manufacturers, distributors, medical personnel, et. al.) are protected with liability immunity.

The tests were the most effective weapon against the people. “Case rates,” DNA capture, and who knows what the heck was impregnated into the swabs.

The tests didn’t need to be accurate, just active participation, which most was through coercion.

Read the FDA EUA Letters!

Why did we constantly hear “Safe and Effective?”


Meaning, a test provider could jam that swab far up your child’s nose in an incredible intrusive and abusive manner that causes damage and they can’t be held liable.

This is what I sent to my Commanding General in a formal complaint (Article 138 UCMJ), in accordance with Army Regulation.

Soon after, I was charged and sent to a Court Martial to be convicted.

I’m a Medical Officer (67C/72B). Risk Communication from NBI is my primary duty.

Have I reached out to Members of Congress?

Certainly, and many thousands of Service Members have.

What have they done?


Please see this report sent to congress.…

An Army Laboratory Technician Non-Commissioned Officer, who was also trying to inform his Chain of Command, only to be kicked out in the process.

What happens when CV19 test kits laced with Sodium Azide and other substances are handed out like “candy?

Could a Service Member mishandle the reagent that contains a deadly chemical (Sodium Azide)?

What about a parent?

What about a child?

A: just take the test or else!

I wonder what experimental C19 test these two individuals allegedly* died from?
One of the experimental ones that got recalled, or the other experimental ones that are still on the market?
Were they coerced?

There are no FDA approved products for CV19!


#GodWins #Isaiah54:17 👈

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