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May 8, 2023, 7 tweets

Varuneshvara Temple, just at the left side of Maitreshvara Temple, Bhubaneswar, #Odisha.

As per the inscriptions of Papanasini, it was built by the Commander-in-chief of Gajapati Kapilendra Deva, Sri Ranasura Mahasenapati in the year 1449.


The temple is built in Pancharatha Style and Panchangabada elevation. The entrance to the Jagamohana has a Navagraha panel together with a sculpture of Maa Gaja-Lakshmi.


Some of the Vidala Sculptures can be noticed which are generally similar to that of the Megheshvara Temple as I posted earlier. Some rampant lions like Udyata Simha are also seen on the Bada wall.


Beside the temple it’s Papanasini Pushkarini, which is revered as a divine tank which cleanses all the sins of a person whoever takes bath in it, as described under Ekamra Purana. On Prathamastami, the Chalanti Pratima of Lingaraja, known as Chandrasekhara/Krutibasa, is taken

out from the temple in a procession to the Varuneshvara temple. The ritual there consists of the ceremonial bathing of the murtys in the Papanasini Pushkarini.


There at the compound of this, I noticed a Ganesha Murty on a small temple wall which I think might be belonging to 7-8th century CE, much before the construction of these temples.


Some more pics of the temple. 🙏🏽🚩

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