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May 8, 2023, 31 tweets

There is a controversial HUGE secret hidden in plain sight all around the world.

But as much artifacts that could be was carted away and hidden beneath places like the #Smithsonian institute & the #vatican.

[they] hid the traces of GIANTS from us as much as possible.
Taking exhaustive measures by removing bones from "indian" mounds, relics, artifacts, texts and countless archaeological relics of these GIANTS to cover up the massive truth of our real past.

How could such huge clues of a mysterious past this big be over looked? Isn't any one else curious who these stairs were made for?

#Ollantaytambo #Peru

The scale of this mysterious place is amazing.
This is "The Treasury" الخزانة
temple ruins in #Petra #Jordan. Credited to the #Nebateans I wonder how much we really know of them if they even did this.
Unless they were Giants, why build such massive over scaled buildings?

Like seriously. Who would build something this big?
The only sensible logical reasoning behind a structure this big is that it was made by very giant people for giant people.
Again our oldest biblical, Apocryphal & secular historical documents, artifacts & texts point to giants.

Right in front of our faces. BUT the authorities and experts refuse to admit it.
Now I see why the #Smithsonian works so hard to recover and "relocate" every larger than normal skeleton remains every time they are discovered.

2 Kashmiri giants pose with American photographer James Rickalton, 1903.

One giant was 7' 9" (2.36 m) tall & the "shorter" was only 7' 4" (2.23 m).
It's said that the giants were brothers, known as "The two Kashmiri giants" & were elite marksmen in the service of the Maharaja.

The city of #Cologne, #Germany, is home to the world's tallest cathedral, the Cologne Cathedral, which is over 157 meters tall.
Tartarian beauty complete with conductive tops.

Which of course has.... giant doors.

Small sample of the giant truth in our recent history.

This has turned into a giant thread....

The evidence of the existence of #Giants is all around us.

Parade of Giants

Engraving from the book Mundus subterraneus (Underworld) by the scholar Athanasius Kircher, 1665.

The author clearly shows the size of the giants whose skeletons have been found in Europe and Asia.

Translation of captions from larger to smaller: giant found by writer Boccaccio on the island of Sicily, giant from Mauritania, Swiss giant, Goliath, and common man, In the 17th century science neither withheld nor denied the existence of giants.

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