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May 8, 2023, 8 tweets

/1 🔎THREAD: New docs from the Office of Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention at DHS reveal the Biden admin is using taxpayer dollars to expand its capabilities to deem conservative Americans as "radicalization suspects” and “domestic terrorists.”…

/2 An internal memo dated January 29, 2021, just 8 days after Joe Biden was sworn in as President, reveals a “Choose Your Own Adventure” game-like memo for individuals to make “real-life decisions” based on “radicalization” scenarios with various fictitious characters.

/3 For example, one of these characters is “Ann” who is described as a “middle-aged pro-life advocate.”

/4 “Courtney” is described as a “budding conspiracy theorist.”

/5 “Pete” is an “Anti-gov/authority Abusive Parent/Stepdad.”

/6 Another document reveals DHS planned a “Family First” photoshoot to “show every day people doing every day tasks… to emphasize that domestic terrorism can happen to anyone, but that anyone can also help prevent it.”

/7 Notably, in their planning documents, DHS states, “when casting, we would like to share diverse race, gender, cultural individuals that align to the same distribution of the United States based on the breakdown of the most recent Census.”

/8 “The Department of Homeland Security’s transformation into a domestic intelligence organization and a Stasi-like Deep State internal security apparatus is alarming…”

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