Christopher Tackett (cjtackett on 🦋 &🧵) Profile picture
Dad, husband, former school board trustee. If you aren’t following @mentack, you are only getting half the story.

May 9, 2023, 7 tweets

Chaplains in public schools, replacing counselors (SB763), passed the House yesterday. Every Republican was for it

This is what they voted for. Rocky Malloy was an invited witness in both chambers. He runs Mission Generation and National School Chaplain Association
#txlege (1/2)

(2/2) Chaplains in public schools, replacing counselors (SB763), passed the House yesterday. Every Republican was for it

More from Rocky Malloy, an invited witness in both chambers. He runs Mission Generation and National School Chaplain Association
This is the push

Want to know what it takes to be a public school chaplain, replacing a certified school counselor? Here is Rocky Malloy of the National School Chaplain Association to fill you in.

And he also gives you some idea of what their “job” could include. This was passed by #txlege #txed

What are job expectations of a school chaplain, knowing they would be replacing the slot of a full time certified school counselor? (SB763)

According to Rocky Malloy (National School Chaplain Association), it’s greet kids, walk the halls, hang in the lunch room.
#txlege #txed

SB763, replacing school counselors with school chaplains passed the Texas House 84 - 54. Every Republican voted for it.

@jamestalarico, @ErinForYall, and @GeneforTexas proposed amendments to ensure students rights are maintained, and state funds aren't used. All failed.

SB763 allows chaplains to replace school counselors. Amendment 3 (@jamestalarico) would have protected students rights, ensuring parents provide consent to deal with the chaplain AND requiring no proselytizing, respecting diversity.

R's said no. They want indoctrination.

School Chaplains certified by the National School Chaplain Association and Focus On The Family will be dangerous for diverse students.

The person running NSCA is obviously anti-LGBTQ. When that translates into schools instead of real counselors, it will be tragic.
#txlege #txed

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