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Passionate about #OBAnes and #patientsafety (#OBcritcare special interest). Father of 2 future Jedi. Views my own. he/his #heforshe 🇿🇦🇮🇪🇨🇦

May 10, 2023, 12 tweets

Dr Daniel Katz presents on drug and equipment shortages at @SOAPHQ#SOAPAM2023. He’ll focus on why they occur, how we can prepare and discuss alternatives & substitutions. #OBAnes

Why shortages occur (1): Generic drug manufacturing poses strain on supply chains, drugs require precursors (80% manufactured outside US). Supply chain has upstream and downstream components - removing precursors hampers upstream supply chain (before the drug is even……

A case study: Fludarabine. Generic 2003: 12 application holders, 6 actively marketing. But who is actually making it? No real time database explaining who is making the product. All May have the precursors stocked. #SOAPAM2023

Why shortages occur (2): increased demand, natural disasters, regulations (maximum stores), no minimums, no stockpiles, cannot mandate production, and finally public opinion. #SOAPAM2023

Why shortages occur (3): they build on eachother. The case of Akron. Knock on effects tend to multiply. multiple drugs affected by one company. #SOAPAM2023

What’s different about equipment? Nothing really - a few extra choice points. #SOAPAM2023

What can you do about shortages (1): communication is key, have multidisciplinary approach to planning, conservation when aware of shortage, multilevel advocacy… #SOAPAM2023

What can you do about shortages (2): substitutions. Be flexible, know what’s available, drugs probably easier than equipment? #SOAPAM2023

What can you do about shortages (3): drugs continued. Triage/ prioritization required. For antibiotics: know local sensitivity patterns, appropriate dosing of alternatives. #SOAPAM2023

What can you do about shortages (4): use @SOAPHQ #patientsafety resources, ASHP shortages list (…) #SOAPAM2023

Summary from Dr Daniel Katz. #SOAPAM2023

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