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Editor-in-Chief @UncoverDC & | Host -“With Beanz” pod| Contributor-The HighWire || Editor-in-Chief @ MAHA #CARNIVORE

May 10, 2023, 38 tweets

🚨🚨THREAD: New Filing in @KariLake election integrity case

RECAP: There is a hearing on Friday to determine how the new action on the signature verification will go forward. This is being filed as a separate motion for relief from judgement.

Get popcorn, coffee, whatever.……

New evidence shows Maricopa falsely certified that it passed L&A testing, and then secretly tested all of the tabulators on three different days. It also shows they KNEW that 260 of the tabulators WOULD FAIL on Election Day.

New evidence also shows that Director of Elections Scott Jarrett gave FALSE TESTIMONY at trial concerning the BOD printers failures that caused the tabulators to malfunction.

For these reasons (among others we will get to in a moment) Lake is asking for relief from judgement (basically a do-over) under Rule 60(b).

If you have newly discovered evidence that you couldn’t have had in time for previous trial, or the fraud, misrepresentation, or other……

Expert witness Clay Parikh is back with more, after doing a ton of due diligence and requesting public records etc after the case was decided.

Maricopa was forced to respond to those requests AND data from the report (BOD Report) investigating the ballot on demand printers was……

The new evidence shows that Maricopa violated the law and did not do L&A testing on *any* vote center tabulators on Election Day. Further, after they certified they passed L&A on 10/11/22, they went on to secretly test all 446of the vote-center tabulators on 10/14, 10/17 and……

MORE: Jarrett LIED on the stand when he talked about the 19” ballot on 20” paper. I have been pounding this since day 1, but now we have more.

Jarrett’s testimony that this occurred at only 3 vote centers and was caused by temporary technicians changing printer settings in an……

The judge had originally ruled against Lake for several reasons, one of them being that she had not shown *intentional* misconduct on the part of Maricopa officials. Additionally, they have evidence that shows that those “drawer 3” ballots were NOT counted at MCTEC- another thing……

This is going to be a long and detailed thread, but here is the tweet to start at if you are like some “journalists” out there and you can not understand the actual FACTS in this case. This is going to give you really good background into this VERY IMPORTANT issue.

This hasn’t……

If you remember, there was VERY limited discovery given to Lake before her trial. The day before the trial their expert Clay Parikh was able to inspect a sampling of ballots from 6 vote centers. He testified that he found 19” ballot images on 20” paper in ALL SIX of those vote……

Here is a key point. One of the arguments CONSTANTLY brought up over and over again here is that those spoiled ballots were duplicated, so they were counted.

What I have always pointed out is that the fact pattern belies that point. Maricopa DID NOT KEEP THE DUPE with the……

Here is the language the judge used in rendering his decision. It was unbelievable to me at the time given what we just went over- but much like the failure to properly adjudicate the signature matching issue, the judge failed here too.

Both of these points were incorrect.

Here is where the judge is looking for *intentional misconduct* and this becomes important as we go on and also for the legal argument portion of this. I will break that down in English for all of you when we get there.

When I was watching and live streaming this trial and giving commentary, the moments we were about to detail came in SECOND to the audible “holy %#^) that came after the 19” image revelation itself.

Jarret testified AT LEAST FOUR TIMES that he did not know of, NOR DID HE HEAR……

It was pretty clear what Jarrett said- and there was more. If I am not mistaken (and I am going from memory here) I believe he testified it would be *impossible* for this to happen.

The *NEXT* day, Defendants brought Jarrett back to testify. Despite what I just showed you with excerpts from the transcript of the trial, he testified that just after Election Day, Jarrett had discovered that 19” ballots were found at 3 vote centers. He alleged this was caused……

When cross examined that day, Lake asked why he hadn’t disclosed this the day before, and Jarrett wiggled around the issue. He then told us that they had hid this from the public and it had happened not just in 2022


The primary in August of 2020
The General in……

Here is some legal argument for you.

There are three (3) criteria that need to be met for this motion to succeed.

1. The newly discovered evidence could not have been discovered before the granting of judgment despite the exercise of due diligence.

2. The evidence would……

This fits all three categories easily. Lake didn’t have the evidence until after Maricopa fulfilled its public record requests, the log files she DID have weren’t able to be analyzed properly in the short time she was given, and the Maricopa BOD report wasn’t made available until……

There was party misconduct— even if there is an omission that was an accident (not the case here) it is cause for relief.

Maricopa withheld the L&A testing it did and more (it’s all coming- dont worry)

The court is required to rely on presumptions favoring elections officials.……

Also, under another rule (too much detail, you can read if you wish) some of the evidence didn’t exist at the time of trial.

Also, the motion is timely and within guidelines for filing/challenging. And, rushing along the case because it is an election- while important - should never negate the ability for a Plaintiff to have accuracy and justice.

We know what happened with the speed of this one-

Maricopa didn’t test the vote center tabulators for logic and accuracy as REQUIRED by law. The system log files demonstrated that.

After Maricopa certified L&A WITHOUT actually doing the L&A, they then secretly did it three more times and KNEW that there were big problems.

When they were running their illegal tests AFTER they had pretended they ran them the first time and CERTIFIED that they had, 260 of……

🚨🚨The so-called “fit to page” errors were an intentional act. An event recounted in the BOD report contradicts Jarrett that the “fit to page” issue arose from some temporary techs messing with settings.

During their testing, (run by former Chief Justice of the AZ Supreme……

The above proves that Jarrett lied AGAIN on the stand when he said that tabulator failures occurring over 7k times every 30 minutes starting at 6:30AM DID NOT cause a “disruption” in the election process”

New evidence shows that they were aware these tabulators would fail. It is……

The evidence shows that over 8k ballots weren’t counted. We dont know where those ballots would have gone, but now we know that over eight thousand people were disenfranchised from having their vote counted in the 2022 AZ election.

“The evidence shows that not only did Maricopa officials knowingly violate the law mandating L&A testing, but that they knew about and planned the Election Day debacle. Further, Jarrett’s demonstrably false and conflicting testimony shows that Maricopa officials are attempting to……

And if you thought this stopped with the 2022 election and that they maybe learned they shouldn’t continue doing this sort of thing— no accountability breeds consistent unlawful conduct.

Here is a letter from the Chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Committee stating……

I often notice people exasperated in the comments saying “nothing is ever going to happen. There is no justice..”

If @KariLake and her team threw their hands up, we wouldn’t have any of this information and we never would have gotten this far— which is why you will ALSO see many……

I will continue to cover this story as it develops and will likely be live streaming the trial when it happens (potentially next week) with commentary. If you appreciate the work we do at @UncoverDC, please consider supporting us. We rely SOLELY on your contributions to stay in……

For my thoughts and opinions on this and other work that I have done, you can SUBSCRIBE to me on Twitter. That supports me directly, and we have 1-2 subscriber only spaces per week that are open to everyone who joins.

I share opinions there that I wouldn’t share on my normal……

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READ MORE- From the new affidavit submitted by Clay Parikh -

Every one of the 446 tabulators used on Election Day were subject to some type of test on either October 14th, 17th or 18th which included an average of only 9 ballots which 260 of the 446 tabulators failed with the same errors as those experienced-on Election Day.

The vote center tabulator system logs show no subsequent attempts to rescan, troubleshoot or remedy the clear and obvious failures which the testing unveiled.

Considering the overwhelming failure of the vote center tabulators during the post- certification testing defined above,……

READ the entire filing here:…

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