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May 12, 2023, 6 tweets

Multiple explosions in Luhansk.

Confirmed by Russian and regional sources.

#Ukraine #Luhansk

Storm Shadow Strike

The trajectory of these missiles and the fact that they hit so far behind the frontline would suggest this was a Storm Shadow strike.

Preliminary reports claim the missiles hit a military complex outside of Luhansk.

#Ukraine #StormShadow

Impact site.

There is no other weapon in the Ukrainian arsenal capable of travelling so far, penetrating all air defense and delivering such a large payload.

This is a Storm Shadow strike.

#Ukraine #Luhansk

The building was allegedly used as a military administration center and may have also housed Russian personnel.

#Ukraine #Russia #StormShadow

Russian telegram channels are claiming that the remnants of an ADM-160B decoy missile have been found in the Luhansk area.

This missile likely paved the way for the Storm Shadow to successfully reach its intended target without being targeted by Russian air defense.


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