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Holding space. Nothing to see here. Find me in bluer skies without the underscore.

May 13, 2023, 14 tweets

Just a #WGAStrong PSA and some food for thought from your friendly neighborhood Captain & lot coordinator.

The theme days/meet ups/et al are fun! I’m a fan… that said I have a few tips for folks to keep in mind to help lessen the load on the captains and coordinators. 🧵

First of all, we are here to picket. We can have fun while we are doing it but let’s remember why we’re here and to stay on message.

If your captains or coordinators ask you to do something or to help out, please do it.

Those that are planning/hosting events — make sure you talk with the coordinators at those lots! Cannot emphasize this enough.

Do not drop an event on us and expect us to be able to accommodate you. We’re working with a finite amount of resources and a ton of generous donations.

Per the above — once you’ve cleared it with the coordinator and make sure there are no other conflicting events on the calendar.

Then if you can… delay. I have access to the calendar and it’s pretty damn full.

We have potentially a long road ahead so let’s spread out the fun.

If you are the planner of the event you should take it upon yourself or organization to bring extra water and snacks. Bring a cooler/table/etc.

Encourage your attendees to bring their own water bottles A) to cut down on consumption but to also B) reduce waste.

On that…

If YOU planned an event, especially if it’s an afternoon event, stay behind and help your captains and guild reps pick up the trash and break down! Get your people to help out.

Especially days get hotter, getting out fast at the end of the day is gonna be essential.

Bring people ready to work. Ask the captains or coordinator what they can do to make it easier, or where you can start sending bodies if they need to spread people around.

Many of these events are about visibility, so once the photo ops are done please keep the lines moving.

If you aren’t in the #WGA and you heard about one of these events — fantastic! Love seeing you out there. Please be mindful of the above and bring a case of water or Gatorade or a bag of ice when you come to join the fun. We love the numbers but we wanna make sure we’re hydrated.

Again — we can have fun at these theme days and events but please keep in mind the folks who are working hard to keep everyone safe and it all running smooth. Listen to them.

Other lot coords/capts please chime in. I feel like Disney is easy mode compared to some of your lots.

On that note: if you’re organizing one of these theme days — congratulations! You’re probably good at organizing humans!

You know what gig involve organizing humans?

Being a strike Captain or lot coordinator. So consider your strengths and what you can do to help the cause.

If you have a mostly dedicated lot and you’re interested in stepping up, even just a couple days a week, contact your captain or lot coordinator and see about getting trained. You may find it’s not for you, and that’s fine.

But, like me, doing it might spark something for you.

Like… truly. Get pumped for labor. Our teamsters have been incredible and who isn’t in love with Lindsay Dougherty(yeah, me too- come visit me at Disney, @LindsayD399)? Learn about Blair Mountain and the coal wars. Union history is steeped in blood, sweat, and iron. We ARE grit.

I’m tired as hell but I’m excited for next week. We have some SUPER COOL events/theme days coming up.

Solidarity forever my union brothers, sisters, and siblings beyond the binary.

Closing out, @luvhrakhe style:

“We’re gonna win this.”

#WGAStrong #WGAStrike #UnionStrong

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