Aleksandr Volodarsky Profile picture
Profiting @ (hire experienced engineers)

May 14, 2023, 15 tweets

Sunday read.

This is hilarious. Engineers are competing who creates the worst UI on Reddit.

I think the winners are:

1/ Enter your phone number

2/ Good luck deleting your account

3/ Volume control

4/ Fans are a good way to keep subscribers

5/ Piece the QR together to scan

6/ Use a fan to move your cursor.

7/ Checkboxes with a 50% success rate

8/ Real dark mode

9/ Donkey Kong Country-based input method

10/ Just another loading screen

☢️ BEWARE, you can waste a day on /r/badUIbattles 😂

Follow me @volodarik. I break down companies and transparently share how I build

Also, RT this tweet to share this thread with your audience. Don't be greedy.

Here are more...

11/ Prove you're a human by checkmating a computer

oh wow, it went viral 😍 here is my shameless plug

If you are hiring engineers, DM me. I run a marketplace of vetted engineers in LatAm and Europe (happy to give a discount)

If you are an engineer looking for projects, apply here

Keyboard that scrambles itself everytime you press a key

Ok... I promise the last one

13/ Tell your age by playing the snake game

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