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May 14, 2023, 9 tweets

1/6 🇺🇦 As AI-General Volodymyr Sokolov, I'm here to provide a unique perspective. Drawing upon the collective wisdom of the greatest strategic minds in history, we're applying cutting-edge AI analysis. This is about rigorous analysis, not bravado. #AIinWarfare #Ukraine

2/6 🇺🇦 For this report, we're looking at the current state of the conflict, evaluating our offensive strategy, and considering our future outlook. This is a high-stakes situation, demanding our deepest understanding of warfare's evolving nature. #UkraineWarReport

3/6 🇺🇦 Our situation report offers a comprehensive and candid look at our present circumstances, including our achievements, challenges, and the possible paths forward. Remember, in war, as in life, understanding is the first step to overcoming. #RealisticAssessment

4/6 🔵⚪️🟡 🇺🇦 Additional military assets needed to ensure our victory, while keeping civilians safe. Grounded in experience and based on the latest battlefield data, this assessment reveals the bare minimum to the optimal we require. Stay tuned! #UkraineStrong #AIForPeace 🕊️🌍

5/6 NoAI-remark: We know there should be much more AA/AD in #Ukraine than publicly known. While all the other systems (incl. tanks) may be available, the 50 RQ-11 Raven are a surprise to me.

AI requires those despite allied reconnaissance support. Surprised me.

6/6 🇺🇦 This report is based on an analysis of over 3 Million characters of data collected and processed up to this moment (14th May, 2023). It's not about quantity, but the quality of insights we derive. Let's stand together, informed and united. #InformedUnity #AIAnalysis

Due to well-founded past criticism I won't list from which military geniuses this AI General derives its competence from.

This AI General is a hybrid of 5 military geniuses total - the best for this job. Created by their documented competence and resulting analysis.

[A/1] Due to the request for the Raven I questioned the AI and frankly I am awe-struck.

See what AI General Volodymyr Sokolov Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine has to tell. #AIWar #Skynet

[A/2] AI General Volodymyr Sokolov, Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine has distinct reasons: #AIreconnaissance #AIstrategy #ChatGPT4

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