Cory Doctorow NONCONSENSUAL BLUE TICK Profile picture
Author/activist/journalist. New book: PICKS AND SHOVELS, a Marty Hench adventure from the dawn of enshittification:

May 14, 2023, 5 tweets

#Google's #AIHype Circle: We have to do #Bard because everyone else is doing #AI; everyone else is doing AI because we're doing Bard.…

Google's plummeting search quality made the company desperate to please its "activist investors"…

#SecurityThroughObscurity #SearchQuality #Enshittification #Google

Google can improve search, or it can chase stock gains through #AIHype. It chose the latter…

We saw this movie before. Remember the 3,000,000 truckers who were about to lose their jobs to #SelfDriving tech?…


Executives ALREADY treat writers like #chatbots.…

#WGAW #writersstrike

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