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5x entrepreneur & Angel Investor in 85 startups. 50M+ downloads on my business podcast, Secret Leaders. I teach success, but without compromising your health.

May 17, 2023, 9 tweets

Today in A.I:

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI and founder of ChatGPT is facing a senate hearing over the safety and regulation of A.I

Here's the summary:

1. Sam Altman testifies before the Senate

During the Senate Committee hearing, Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, and other leaders in the industry just testified on artificial intelligence.

2. Sam Altman says he owns no equity in OpenAI and simply earns enough to meet his health insurance bills.

He states: "I'm doing this because I love it"

3. Sam Altman's opening statement to the Senate - claims that AI will eventually be able to tackle climate change and cure cancer.

4. During a Senate hearing, Sam Altman admitted that his 'biggest concerns' involve causing significant harm to the planet' through technological developments.

"If this technology goes wrong, it can go quite wrong."

5. "This is a significant area of concern"

Sam Altman responded when asked by Senator Josh Hawley about concerns “Should we be worried about A.I. for our elections?”

6. @mreflow did a fantastic recap of the entire hearing on his profile, check it out:

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