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Co-founder of @peaqnetwork - the Layer 1 for #DePIN | Taking machines onchain | regen | solarpunk

May 18, 2023, 18 tweets

#DePIN is about to disrupt a $13 TRILLION industry ...

... which no one is talking about πŸ‘€

Agriculture πŸŒΎπŸŒ½πŸ§„πŸ’πŸ‹

Here's my three-minute-thake


2/ When most people think of tech <> agriculture they think 'Smart Agriculture'.

A $20bn industry which brings the #InternetOfThings to farming, mainly leveraging sensors to make things more efficient.

All well and good, but in my view, enhancement not disruption.

3/ #Web3 is about to truly disrupt agriculture globally, changing the way it works from the bottom up 🌍

Farming is about to get more local, sustainable and circular. Food is about to get healthier and cheaper.

How? #DePIN.

Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks.

4/ #DePIN Refresher βͺ

DePINs use tokens (crypto) to incentivise people to crowdsource/fund physical infrastructure (ex. machine/devices).

Ex. I offer WiFi to people via my hotspot and earn.

This flips business models from top-down (corporate) to bottom-up (community).

5/ Agriculture Today πŸ§‘β€πŸŒΎ

1. Farmers use manual/semi-auto machines to plant, nurture + harvest plants/animals.

2. They sell to resellers who sell to resellers, or to you.

3. Food changes hands multiple times before it lands on your plate, and is often shipped long distances.

6/ Agriculture in the #EconomyOfThings, powered by #Web3 ⚑️

1. Community-owned, #AI-powered machines, robots and devices manage everything from seed to mouth. The machines, farms and produce are all co-owned via #DePIN.

2. Eat.

7/ Let's take a quick peek at what it might look like πŸ‘€

Here's how #DePIN could disrupt the process, from seed to mouth.

All the machines/vehicles/robots/devices mentioned in this process example can be community funded/sourced/owned πŸ‘‡

7.1/ 🌱 Seed Sorting & Planting

Autonomous robots sort & plant seeds ensuring optimal growth conditions from the start.

7.2/ πŸ’¦ Automated Irrigation

Soil moisture sensors trigger watering only when necessary, saving water & maintaining the best conditions for growth.

7.3/ πŸ› Pest & Weed Control

Robots/drones with infrared cameras identify pests & weeds, enabling targeted treatments & reducing pesticide use.


7.4/ 🌾 Monitoring Crop Health

Drones & #IoT devices use advanced imaging to monitor crop health. ML algorithms analyze data to optimize crop care.

7.5/ 🚜 Harvesting

Autonomous robots identify ripe produce & harvest it without causing damage.

7.6/ πŸ“¦ Post-Harvest Handling

Machines clean, sort & package the produce. Quality control systems ensure top-quality produce reaches consumers.

7.7/ 🚚 Transportation & Distribution

Autonomous electric vehicles transport the produce to community pick-up points or peoples' homes following optimized routes.

7.8/ 🍲 Robo-Restos

Some produce goes to community-owned, automated restaurants, where robo-chefs prepare dishes with the freshest ingredients.

Fresh meals can then be autonomously delivered, too.

7.9/ ♻️ Waste Management

Any waste from the process is turned into compost and returned to the fields, completing the cycle.

8/ 🌍 This is the future of agriculture: sustainable, local, efficient, fresh, and community-owned.

Shared decision-making power and real-time data ensure everyone benefits.

#AgTech #FutureFood #DePIN

9/ Know of any #DePINs revolutionising Agriculture?

Let's give them a shout-out below 🫑

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