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Scottish Covid-19 Travelling Stats Cat! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🦠🌍🐈

May 18, 2023, 9 tweets…

This week, Scotland has reported:

🔵 606 new cases (down 27%)
🔴 30 new deaths (down 33%)
🟡 207 hospital inpatients (down 26%)
🟠 2 ICU inpatients

#covid19scotland #coronavirusscotland

So another drop in reported cases!

We're actually averaging under 100 new cases a day now, for the first time since August 2020! Although of course that is largely a result of low testing levels.

The latest wastewater figures show that the levels there are still low (the lowest in nearly two years), although it does look like there has been a slight increase during the first week of May.…

The hospital occupancy (or 'Currently In Hospital') figures had a change in their methodology this week.

Previously, a Covid-19 patient who has yet to be discharged from hospital would stop being counted as a Covid-19 patient after 28 days. This has now been cut to 10 days.

I think that figure is supposed to show the number of people in hospital with the virus who are currently infectious, rather than just the number of people in hospital because of issues caused by the virus.

So I think for that definition, the change makes sense.

The change applies to the 8th of May onwards. It cut out around 250 patients, so there is a pretty big drop in the chart!

Also, the equivalent ICU figures don't appear to have been updated for this week.

The figures showing new hospital and ICU admissions because of the virus were updated as normal though, with both continuing to show a downward trend!

The number of new deaths reported from the virus was thankfully down, for the fourth week in a row!

Excess deaths were also down by quite a bit this week, and slightly into the negative. Although the Coronation bank holiday weekend likely impacted reporting here.

And lastly, here are some of the most recent vaccination figures from the Spring Booster Dose rollout!

Around 65% of those aged 75 and above have had their booster now, along with just over a quarter of those with a weakened immune system.…

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