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May 19, 2023, 16 tweets

Aanahata chakra---

Love overcomes ego ------------Anahata chakra can be aroused and awakened by the practice of bhakti yoga, in which there is no place for egotistical consciousness.
#Yoga #spirituality

Your devotion can be for God or guru. It is easy to practice devotion to God because he does not check your ego, or even if he does, you don't know it. But when you practice devotion to guru, the first thing he does is 'egodectomy.'
#Yoga #spirituality

So when you direct your devotion to guru, you have lots of difficulties. If you only meet your guru from time to time, the problems are invisible, but if you live with him, the problems are greater.
#Yoga #spirituality

Therefore, many people think it is safer to have a guru who is no longer living. Not only is ego an obstacle on the spiritual path, it is also the greatest barrier to harmony and cordiality in family and social life.
#Yoga #spirituality

Therefore, in order to treat the ego there are two very important paths. One is karma yoga and the other is bhakti yoga. Ego can never be removed by intellectual persuasion. It can never be subdued or eliminated unless you develop the highest form of love.
#Yoga #spirituality

Just as the sun removes darkness, love removes ego. These two can never - in order to induce anahata awakening we should definitely practise bhakti yoga.
#Yoga #spirituality

When kundalini is established in anahata there is absolute devotion and even a confirmed atheist will change. However, awakening of anahata is not only a way to God or guru, it is also a way to complete unity and harmony in family life.
#Yoga #spirituality

Thus, most Hindu women are initiated into bhakti yoga very young; at four to six years of age they are taught to practice devotion to Lord Shiva, Krishna, Rama, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Durga and so on, because it is easier for women to develop anahata chakra.
#Yoga #spirituality

For this reason women are also told to use anahata as their center for meditation, whereas men are generally advised to concentrate on ajna chakra. Anahata is the seat of human love and the seat of divine love.
#Yoga #spirituality

They are not two things, they are one and the same. Psychic propensities of anahata chakra prior to the awakening of anahata there may be frequent pain in the chest or irregular functioning of the heart, such as accelerated pulse.
#Yoga #spirituality

However, rather than feeling ill, one feels healthy and active and requires little sleep. One obtains complete emotional balance and the ability to communicate externally as well as internally.
#Yoga #spirituality

Voices or sounds coming from other realms may be heard, and buzzing or humming sounds and the music of a flute may be experienced. The sadhaka may become an inspired poet, artist or singer.
#Yoga #spirituality

He may manifest clairvoyant/clairaudient or psychokinetic ability, or may be able to conquer people by the immensity of his love. A person who is in anahata is generally very sensitive to the feelings of others and his sense of touch is strongly developed.
#Yoga #spirituality

He also has the ability to heal others, either by touch or by generating his own spiritual energy to other people in order to effect curative changes. Many people who perform miraculous healings do so through the agency of anahata chakra.
#Yoga #spirituality

With anahata awakening one develops non-attachment to worldly things and a constant feeling of optimism, understanding that good and bad coexist, but there is also a world beyond this duality.
#Yoga #spirituality

After ridding oneself of attachment, the mind becomes relaxed, free and peaceful. And with the discovery of true freedom, pleasures of dualistic life become meaningless.
#Yoga #spirituality

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