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May 19, 2023, 5 tweets

📌World Health Statistics 2023 report is out.
It is WHO’s ‘annual check-up on the state of the world’s health’.
⏩New figures on the impact of the #COVID19 pandemic
⏩Latest statistics on progress towards health-related Sustainable Development Goals.

With data up to 2022, we see a stagnation of health progress on key health indicators in recent years compared with the trends seen during 2000-2015.
The world is facing an ever-growing threat of non-communicable diseases and #climatechange.
⏩Read the full……

@pahowho @WHOAFRO @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @WHOEMRO @WHO_Europe For example, in 2000 61% of annual deaths were caused by noncommunicable diseases. In 2019, they accounted for nearly 75% of annual deaths.
⏩A visual summary:

@pahowho @WHOAFRO @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @WHOEMRO @WHO_Europe If this trend continues,📈the proportion of lives lost to non-communicable diseases could reach a staggering 86% or 77 million deaths per year – by the middle of this century.

With preventive measures and early detection and treatment, many millions could be saved.


@pahowho @WHOAFRO @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @WHOEMRO @WHO_Europe Moreover…access to essential health services has slowed compared to the pre-2015 gains. This with no significant progress in reducing financial hardship due to healthcare costs.

⏩Achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030 requires increased investments in health and health……

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