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Canadian First. Focused on promoting accountability, transparency and good governance.

May 19, 2023, 11 tweets

#Ableg 🔥 🧵

Alberta is on fire.

Alberta had one of the BEST wildfire programs in the world until 2019.

Despite MULTIPLE warnings, the @Alberta_UCP cut TENS of MILLIONS from firefighting programs.

We’re now seeing the consequences

Let’s review 6 MAJOR UCP wildfire cuts!

#Ableg 🔥 🧵

1. The UCP Eliminated the 63-man Aerial Rapattack Team

This early intervention squad had a 94% success rate containing fires <2 hectares

Municipalities BEGGED the UCP to keep them; the UCP chose to save a messily $1.4M instead (ONLY 4% of the UCP War Room budget)

#Ableg 🔥🧵

2. The UCP killed 30 of Alberta’s 127 Wildfire Lookout Towers

The UCP cut 23% of Alberta’s early detection and wildfire monitoring system.

Each tower covered 5,000sq km and reports wildfire activity within five mins of the 40-km radius.

There was no replacement

#Ableg 🔥 🧵

3. The UCP cut the Air Tanker Program by 13%

The highly successful program had 2-objectives

A. Contain fire spread by 10am the next day (96% success)
B. Initiate suppression before the fire exceeds 2 hectares (72% success)

The UCP provided 0 contingency plans!

#Ableg 🔥 🧵

4. The UCP cut rural firefighter training in 2020.

Critics say this move directly impacted wildfire resiliency in hundreds of small rural regions across Alberta.

This move saved a measly $500k (17% of Smith’s personal staff budget).

#Ableg 🔥 🧵

5. The UCP made significant cuts to the Alberta Wildfire Branch in 2021

The UCP laid off permanent staff at the district level, eliminating:

- Wildfire Rangers
- Info Officers

These roles helped inform regional communities of the risks and threats of wildfires

6. The UCP made 10% more cuts in 2022!

This impacted wildfire personnel, resulting in later contractual start dates and earlier end dates

Alberta became short staffed in key roles

👨‍🚒 firefighters
📻 radio dispatchers
🔭 lookout observers and
🚒 Support logistics staff

#Ableg 🔥 🧵

The fact remains since 2019, the UCP cut Alberta’s

- Wildfire prevention budget by $30,000,000 (23%)

- Emergency Contingency Budget by $312,000,000 (64%)

This is DESPITE a multi-billion dollar budget surplus in 2023.

#Ableg fire 🧵

When the UCP comes knocking on YOUR door - point to the smoke


1. Was it worth cutting the wildfire budget by 23%?
2. What did you do with the money?
3. Why did fail to refund the RAP program and watch towers despite billions in surplus?

Actions matter.

What other questions should we ask the UCP Candidates about their choices impacting Alberta’s wildfire efforts?

How has it impacted you and your family?

Add them below!

Remember that despite Danielle’s rhetoric, she has failed to explain ANY of her cuts or failure to fund wildfire programs

Leadership and integrity matter.

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