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May 21, 2023, 11 tweets

Usually many Indians travel abroad to enjoy their holidays & there is nothing wrong in it.However India too has so many undiscovered/unknown places that they really give a very joyous experience and this for long time as a memorable gift

I am thankful to @Amey_1986 for letting me know this place of #Rameshwar which is a couple of kilometer away from #Vijaydurg.
At the entrance it's a downhill which is without Steps but stone is carved as if they are steps of around 25-30.On the either side are the

small hilly parts working like walls.Once at the entrance on d left & right side we have trees which help us with cool Breeze all d time even in summer.
The Rameshwar temple is made up fully of #Wood and have Mangalorean Red Tiles.The wodden usage and tiles give a

very rich look to d entire Temple.
The sanctum sanctorum has #Pindi of Mahadev with #Nandi sitting slightly diagonal.This Nandi is made up in a single rock and even the seniors there are unaware of the year in which the temple was constructed.Again the sanctorum

gives a very satisfying darshan experience with the coolness.
The entrance of d temple have various sizes Bells hanging giving a wonderful sound to make ones Heart Happy of d Darshan.
The sanctum has a Murti of Rameshwar the saint.
Unfortunately the original idol

weighing 42kgs was stolen and then the new one is being locked in the steel cage as a safety measure.
As is the ritual we find Ganpati Bappa as well in the sanctorum.
The wooden built portion gives a replica of few other temples as seen around Pune.

The surroundings have various trees of Flowers,Mangoes etc which tempt the individuals to pick couple of them.
The temple has made arrangements for both Normal and Cold Water to quench the thirst for the devotees
If one is not carrying Coconut to offer to Mahadev

then one can get it in the temple with reasonable price and the Guru ji there offers it to Mahadeva and gives back as Aashirwad and Prasad to the devotees.
The Guru ji calmly keep the extra money offered infront of Mahadev.

One can stand in this place which needs to be climbed up with almost 30steps.Here again d authorities have made arrangements for sitting to enjoy the Cool Breeze flowing all the while.
This temple has frequent visitors from around the place but one who

travels in d Konkan region should visit this Temple for experiencing a Pious Darshan of Har Har Mahadev.
There r various temples unknown around this place which give a heart warming pious moments of life
Thanks once again to Amey & his friend Aniket for suggesting the temple

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