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Founding team @HashKeyGroup. #web3 + #AIGC +#BTC. Tweets reflect personal opinions. Stanford GSB 🌲

May 22, 2023, 8 tweets

#NFT Innovations🔥

#ERC721C (programmable, on-chain royalties), #ERC6551 (token-bound accounts), and #ERC4337 (smart contract wallets) are emerging primitives that add new innovations to on-chain gaming, media, and social.

1/8 Here’s some helpful info to know (video shorts):

2/8 Programmable on-chain royalties #ERC721C (not yet an official standard though)

3/8 Problems with prior royalties standard (#EIP2981) - not enforceable on-chain

4/8 Token-bound accounts #ERC6551 - NFT owner controls an individual wallet tied to an NFT, wallet could potentially be a smart contract in the style of #ERC4337

(Not yet an official standard though)

5/8 Smart contract wallets #ERC4337 - more security features and better onboarding features for smart contract wallets like #ERC6551

6/8 Thanks to several folks with great content on these topics above.

Consolated summary of all the video shorts in this thread

7/8 Also thanks to these #ERC6551 wizards: @JaydenWindle, @DruzyDowns, @HuynhR, @wwhchung, @sullivph, @RealJonahBlake

8/8 And thanks to @ArtOnBlockchain for the awesome talk at #Consensus on the important of royalties for NFT creators, peaking my interest in #ERC721C

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