#ERC721C (programmable, on-chain royalties), #ERC6551 (token-bound accounts), and #ERC4337 (smart contract wallets) are emerging primitives that add new innovations to on-chain gaming, media, and social.
1/8 Here’s some helpful info to know (video shorts):
2/8 Programmable on-chain royalties #ERC721C (not yet an official standard though)
3/8 Problems with prior royalties standard (#EIP2981) - not enforceable on-chain
4/8 Token-bound accounts #ERC6551 - NFT owner controls an individual wallet tied to an NFT, wallet could potentially be a smart contract in the style of #ERC4337
(Not yet an official standard though)
5/8 Smart contract wallets #ERC4337 - more security features and better onboarding features for smart contract wallets like #ERC6551
1/ This thread discusses: (1) Celsius and Bitfinex deals (2) Why FTX is different (3) What’s learnable from both deals (4) An innovative FTX2.0 deal idea with an Investor Coalition, FTX creditors getting equity AND an IOU Token, an exchange restart, liquid crypto distributions
2/ Celsius and Bitfinex:
- *Celsius*: lost client money thru loss-making operations. New deal turns company into basically a mining and staking co
- claim holders get 100% equity pro-rata + pro-rata distribution of existing liquid assets + pro-rats distribution of any future… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#HongKong, one of Asia’s biggest international financial centers, *today* just formally approved retail trading of #crypto assets. Effective 1 June 2023.