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Kind of a legend. Psychologist who performs acts of independent journalism. Knitter. Anti-Queer Fascist. Writer. Follow @ActivelyUnwoke, @UnwokeArt, @UnwokeWiki

May 23, 2023, 10 tweets

Ten things I wish I had know when I left the Democratic Party after I took the red pill.

1) The right is not better. I know they may SEEM better by comparison, but I promise you, they are not better. If they find out you left the left, they will love bomb you. Don’t fall for it.

2) Most people just want to listen to someone else speak their favorite talking point. They don’t care about you, they care about the validation. They are just junkies looking for their fix.

3) It’s ok to not join a different political tribe. But if you do, it will be much easier for you to understand when bullshit is afoot. You already saw your first tribe change before your very eyes - you know what it looks like. Do not expects others to catch on. They can’t see.

4) The left is far worse than you think it is, and you will spend years trying to reverse engineer everything you know about the world to figure out what is true and what is not true.

Fact check EVERYTHING and look at primary source documents whenever possible.

5) What the left IS NOT wrong about is this: The moral majority evangelical Christians own the political right. You will hear from a lot of people saying that’s not true. They are either wrong or they are lying. We’re in a new satanic panic that the influencers are profiting from

6) Do not believe a word that comes out of people’s mouths. Watch their behaviors. Their behaviors will always tell you what they really believe and what their values are.

Most of the people you meet will lie to you to get what they want from you.

7) Don’t believe anyone who tells you there will be a civil war. The conservative right is FAR too lazy for that.

In fact, don’t expect them to do much of anything. But they will whine. A lot.

8) You’ll probably fall in love with certain influencers because they helped you to wake up and were your first connection to the truth.

They will inevitably disappoint you as they reveal their true colors.

They almost all do, eventually.

9) Do not trust any organization that makes money on you defecting, like #WalkAway and #BLEXIT.

I promise you they are not the only places to find community. In fact, they are some of the worst places because all your relationships will depend on your adherence to the tribe

10) We’re probably going to lose. I’m really sorry. We’re just too late and the left is way too far ahead and no one on the right really cares.

Your life will be far easier if you do nothing.

But you may not be able to look yourself in the mirror once you see how it all works.

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