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May 23, 2023, 5 tweets

Tupac Amaru II, born in 1738, is revered as a prominent leader of indigenous resistance against Spanish colonial rule in South America.

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[Note, this is AI-generated content from #midjourney, #ChatGPT, voiceover by #11labs]

2/ Tupac Amaru II emerged as a powerful voice for the indigenous people of Peru. His struggle against the Spanish left a mark on the history of Latin America, making him a symbol of resilience and the fight for justice.

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3/ In 1780, Tupac Amaru II initiated a rebellion that united indigenous communities, mestizos and criollos against Spanish colonial rule in South America.

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4/ Despite early victories, the rebellion faced intense opposition from the Spanish colonial forces. In 1781, after a series of battles and sieges, Amaru was captured by the Spanish.

5/ Amaru died at the hands of the Spanish, but his name became synonymous with the struggle against colonial oppression. Spain officially gave up colonialism in Peru, July 28, 1821.

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