Valentin for Ukraine #NAFO🇩🇪🇪🇺🎗️💙💛🇺🇦 🇬🇪 Profile picture
Scum of the internet. Waffenlieferungsultra. Support fundraisers! @trinzu, united24... Humanitarian aid via @fellas4europe. ❤️ 🦈🦫🐗 NO 🍊🍉🐸

May 23, 2023, 14 tweets


A thread about the history and background of the exposition of a shelled Ukrainian ambulance in Munich, Germany (translation from @fellas4europe) 1/

During the fighting about the Charkiw region in autumn 2022 Ruzzian soldiers, as usual, shelled civilian infrastructure. In Derhachi this ambulance was used to evacuate wounded civilians. During this action the Russians shot at the ambulance, severely wounding the driver. 2/

"COMMERCIAL BREAK" : Therefore a new ambulance is needed! Please donate to… 3/

The Ukrainian-Lithuanian activist Oleg @surajev had the idea to show the ambulance outside Ukraine as a memorial of Z warcrimes. First, he presented it in Vilnius, Lithuania:…
Here 👇 you see him speaking in Munich! 4/

The Munich-based Lithuanian @IrmaLuksiene 👇 had the idea to bring the ambulance to Munich. She organized the transportation which is paid for by the state of Lithuania! And so Oleg and the ambulance came to Munich! 5/

Valentyna @VDeMaar 👇 (left, next to the German historian and Ukraine expert Franziska Davies @EFDavies) organizes demonstrations every two weeks (!) in Munich, with changing mottos. She embedded the ambulance into the demonstration of 20th May at Munich Marienplatz. 6/

Our NGO Co-director Tamara @Tamrico2022 is the connection between Munich's political Ukraine activists and our foundation Fellas for Europe e.V. So we support the event financially and immaterially. Some people in these pictures are our members. 7/

But #NAFO was represented by other Fellas, too, e.g. by NAFO Munich with the monk that represents Munich ("Münchner Kindl") as a Fella! 8/

There was a State Television report on the event of Saturday 20th May. 9/

Since Monday, 22nd May, until May 27th, the shelled ambulance is to be visited on Rindermarkt street in Munich. There are also aides for further explanation and vigilance. 10/

There is a lot of work behind this event. Permissions (it's Germany!), transportation, physically moving the ambulance in Munich, vigilance: Without many aides who sacrifice infinite time, patience and their own money, this would not be possible! 11/

Why are we doing this? Surely we want to keep up public awareness of the atrocities in Ukraine that could otherwise be forgotten between national political issues and football. But mostly we want to raise money for a new ambulance! 12/

Please donate to… 🧵

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