A thread about the history and background of the exposition of a shelled Ukrainian ambulance in Munich, Germany (translation from @fellas4europe) 1/
During the fighting about the Charkiw region in autumn 2022 Ruzzian soldiers, as usual, shelled civilian infrastructure. In Derhachi this ambulance was used to evacuate wounded civilians. During this action the Russians shot at the ambulance, severely wounding the driver. 2/
"COMMERCIAL BREAK" : Therefore a new ambulance is needed! Please donate to paypal.com/donate/?hosted… 3/
The Ukrainian-Lithuanian activist Oleg @surajev had the idea to show the ambulance outside Ukraine as a memorial of Z warcrimes. First, he presented it in Vilnius, Lithuania: lrt.lt/naujienos/liet…
Here 👇 you see him speaking in Munich! 4/
The Munich-based Lithuanian @IrmaLuksiene 👇 had the idea to bring the ambulance to Munich. She organized the transportation which is paid for by the state of Lithuania! And so Oleg and the ambulance came to Munich! 5/
Valentyna @VDeMaar 👇 (left, next to the German historian and Ukraine expert Franziska Davies @EFDavies) organizes demonstrations every two weeks (!) in Munich, with changing mottos. She embedded the ambulance into the demonstration of 20th May at Munich Marienplatz. 6/
Our NGO Co-director Tamara @Tamrico2022 is the connection between Munich's political Ukraine activists and our foundation Fellas for Europe e.V. So we support the event financially and immaterially. Some people in these pictures are our members. 7/
But #NAFO was represented by other Fellas, too, e.g. by NAFO Munich with the monk that represents Munich ("Münchner Kindl") as a Fella! 8/
There was a State Television report on the event of Saturday 20th May. 9/
Since Monday, 22nd May, until May 27th, the shelled ambulance is to be visited on Rindermarkt street in Munich. There are also aides for further explanation and vigilance. 10/
There is a lot of work behind this event. Permissions (it's Germany!), transportation, physically moving the ambulance in Munich, vigilance: Without many aides who sacrifice infinite time, patience and their own money, this would not be possible! 11/
Why are we doing this? Surely we want to keep up public awareness of the atrocities in Ukraine that could otherwise be forgotten between national political issues and football. But mostly we want to raise money for a new ambulance! 12/
According to recent polls, more than a third of Germans might vote for pro russia parties.
How? Those 25 % voting for AfD and BSW must know what they are doing. They are like MAGA.
But on top, 9 % are keen to vote for "The Left", the rebranded East German state's party SED! 1/
These 9 % mostly do not know what they are doing: Mostly very young voters who saw The Left TikTok videos and discovered this party as "new". The Left still has 6 billion Marks of funds that were stolen from the East German state when it collapsed. 2/
So, the Left made a successful campaign among youths while its core leadership like Gregor Gysi are very old representatives of the East German state!! (BTW he is married to Sahra Wagenknecht, the leader of the overtly pro Putin party BSW) 3/
Their son Maxim, then 8 years old, one day in March 2022 saw many "Asian looking people in uniforms" (Buryats) in the streets. Via hidden ways, he made it home. He stayed in hiding until November 11, 2022, liberation day. 2/
After some time, he got used to living in the underground. In September 2022, secret online classes resumed. The classes started with the national anthem. 3/
There is a US base on Greenland, Denmark is a NATO country, granting Greenland independence has been discussed for decades.
Whatever it is the US want to get in Greenland, they would not need military threats to get it.
It's not about Greenland, but about Denmark and Europe. 2/
Denmark is one of the wealthiest states in Europe. 3/
Listened yesterday to a conversation of @_europecalling about the dangers of social media for democracy and how to deal with it. I could only attend partly, but already got many interesting insights. 🧵
Generally speaking, it was a bad idea to make the Commission responsible for the enforcement of the EU's Digital Services Act. Thus, the enforcement of measures against X will be blocked by political considerations (maintaining a good relationship with the US). 2/
They even said "Practically, they are selling democracy in the EU to save European exports". The DSA should be a legal framework while the enforcement should be done by courts. If users like me could bring X to court over their disinformation campaigning and threatening Europe!3/
Beim Kistenpacken ist mir diese Rede Thomas Manns wieder in die Hände gekommen. Er verurteilt darin den Westen (🇬🇧, 🇫🇷 ) für sein Appeasement gegen Hitler und den Verrat an der Tschechoslowakei.
Die Rede passt auf das Streben nach einem Deal mit Putin. 🧵
"Das Geschehen [Münchner Abkommen], wie es als Verrat und Untat aus entsittlichter und lügenhaft-überflüssiger Friedensliebe sich darstellte"
"jene Gesinnung, die es (...) besser und menschlicher (...) meinte, ist ebenso verraten, verkauft (...) wie das tapfere kleine Land" 2/
Über Chamberlain & Co.:
"Für sie ist Politik eine Sache höchstpersönlicher 'Klugheit', des rechtzeitigen Arrangements mit der kommenden (...) Macht (...)
Dass es irgendjemandem (...) darauf ankommen könnte, seine Pflicht gegen die Menschheit zu tun, ist ihnen unfasslich."
"Forgive them because they do not know what they do." We do know!🧵
(1) Military recovery
In a ceasefire, russia will be able to train and prepare new soldiers (russians and north koreans) for the next assault. They will make sure to be better prepared and make in it three days next time. Everyone turning 18 now will be at the front at 21. 2/
Meanwhile, Ukraine will have to dismiss soldiers to rebuild the country and for financial reasons. Those who have not registered voluntarily by now will not do so after a ceasefire. 3/