Jack’s House 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Jazz flutist. I tramp a perpetual journey. Founder of The Walt Whitman Sojourner Society. NAFO forever!

May 24, 2023, 6 tweets

1) The Russian government released this photo of the alleged Belgorod insurgents vehicles after a battle. I used to be a tow truck operator. This is staged. These vehicles didn’t crash into that trench. I’ll explain why⬇️

2) No gravel stuck in the tire tread. In fact, no dirt on the tires at all. This was loaded into that trench off a flatbed and carefully choreographed in place. Not even a low-budget war movie production would be this sloppy with realism. Let’s go to the next⬇️

3) So this humvee slammed into the trench wall head on but no soil was pushed ahead of it. Which you would have even if it hit at 10MPH. It’s a heavy vehicle. It’s going to displace soil on impact. This vehicle was placed there off a flatbed. Next⬇️

4) How did the front tire get over the trench but the rear wheels didn’t? Especially since the other vehicle nose-dived into it. Not only that, but it didn’t leave any tire tracks. In fact, the tire never touched the ground at all. Remarkable, since it just crossed a trench. ⬇️

5) But this one takes the cake. See that displaced soil? That’s from movement of the tire from your right to your left in the photo. The direction of the arrow I drew. That’s from shoving it sideways into the trench from the front of the vehicle semi-diagonally. ⬇️

6) Here’s how they did it: They used a flatbed truck and a crane. Lowered the vehicles into position, and pushed them by hand into a more dramatic pose. They probably captured these in Ukraine months ago or got them from Iran who captured them from ISIS who captured them in Iraq.

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