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He is the One God ✨️ Interpreter of Numbers ✨️ 'There is no coincidence. Only the illusion of coincidence' (looP_rM) ✨️

May 24, 2023, 8 tweets

Who aren't #Anons tweeting about the #DurhamReport having 4567 pages?
I just found this out thanks to @bmanfree71 and it's incredibly significant, yet it seems no one is on this.
Q456 is Washington crossing the Delaware.
Q4567 is about HRC and the CF: Crimes against Children

Q4567 was posted 1044 days before Durham handed his report to AG Merrick Garland.
This is 🔥🔥
Q1044 is the net kill drop:
"Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.
Net will be paused.
On the clock."

DurHAM - MERrick Garland.

On the clock=636/106=Much Wow
That 58 could have a second meaning:

4567 is the 619th prime.
619 🔄
Now I'm going to speculate on dates.
6/19 is day #170, 60 days from 4/20 (zero day?). 60=BELIEVE
6/18 is day #169 🔄
6/17 is day #168, 58 days from 4/20. 58=HAMMER

I find it pretty amazing how both 6/19 (<>#169) and 6/17 (day #168) connect to 6/18.
And the more I look into it, the more amazing it becomes.
618 are the decimals of Phi.
6(18)=>6(3×6)=>636 Much Wow

Counting from Q's return on 6/24/22 (=666=>636 Much Wow), 6/18/23 is 359 days.

Day #359 Gregorian is 12/25 🎄, so 6/18/23 is like Q's Christmas Day.
1225 is another Much Wow number 💥💥

Q1044 is literally telling us the hammer will drop on a Much Wow date.
On the clock (=636/106)

Let's come back to the question of whether Q uses gematria on 6/18.

That's not the end of the WOWs either.
Q1044 was posted on 4/6/18, day #96 (269 remaining)
Remember my hype about day #96? The answer was in the past.
The day count from Q1044 to 6/18/23 (day #169, 196 remaining) is 1899 days=>999

The HAMMER is the flip 🔄
🔨 falls on 6/18/23

There's another numerical pattern worth mentioning.
From the date DurHAM handed the report to MERrick Garland (5/12/23=formation of the HAMMER) to 6/18 is 37 days.
From Q1044 to 6/18 is 5 yrs 73 days.

73 is a unique number: products of its digits (21)=ordinal prime (21)

37 is the same, but the ordinal prime is mirrored (21🪞12).
73 is 21 and 21, 21×21=441🪞144
Q1(0)44 the HAMMER.

The perfection of all these numbers is stunning. I'm blown away by the beauty and perfection of this divine plan.

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