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May 25, 2023, 9 tweets

|| #Sengol And Its Connection With #Hinduism || 🧵

Segol doesn't only share historical importance with India but it is deeply associated with Hindu philosophy.

In Hinduism,a sceptre is often associated with deities and symbolizes power,authority,and divine sovereignty. In


Hinduism it is known as "dand" (Sceptre), many people misinterpret dand as punishment but that's not true. Dand has two meanings in Sanskrit. One is डंड (sceptre) other one is दण्ड (punishment).

The sceptre is primarily depicted in the hands of Hindu gods and goddesses,


especially those associated with ruling, protection, and justice. It represents their divine rule and authority over the universe. The sceptre is often adorned with intricate carvings, gemstones, or other sacred symbols that enhance its symbolic significance.


For example, Bhagwan Vishnu, the preserver and protector of the universe, is often depicted holding a sceptre known as "Kaumodaki." This sceptre represents his authority and power to maintain cosmic order and protect the world. Similarly, Bhagawan Shiva, the destroyer and


transformer, is sometimes depicted holding a sceptre called "Trishula," which symbolizes his supreme power and ability to transcend the three aspects of existence—creation, preservation, and destruction and a spectre can be seen in the hand of bhagwan brahma as well, it is


known as "Brahmdand."two notable facts are that these sceptres can be used as divine weapons too and these sceptres can't be balanced by anyone else.

The sceptre is also associated with kings and rulers in Hindu culture and is often depicted as a royal emblem in their hands.


signifies their authority, sovereignty, and ability to govern justly.

What we today see as sengol is actually a dand since, word "Sengol" is derived from the Tamil terms "Sen," meaning just or fair, and "Kol," referring to a spear or sceptre. In Tamil culture, a high priest


use to hand over a sceptre to a new king whenever he came to the power. Just like scepre It also represents the authority and responsibility entrusted to leaders to govern with righteousness.

The symbolism of the Sengol extends beyond its physical representation. It


signifies the importance of leaders being impartial,transparent N accountable in their decision making processes. It embodies inclusivity,where leaders are expected to listen to diverse perspectives,promote social justice N ensure equal opportunities for all.



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