Julio Mayol Profile picture
Prof. Surgery - Scientific director at @IIS_IdISSC @iclinicomadrid @unicomplutense; BJS Foundation @BJSurgery @BJSAcademy; @ASGBI; @SurgJournal Editor.

May 25, 2023, 11 tweets

A #GPT4-generated thread

Why should surgeons master communication?


#Communication is a vital skill for any professional, but especially for surgeons. In this thread, I will share some reasons why surgeons should master communication and some tips on how to improve it.
#GPT4 #SoMe4Surgery

#Communication can improve patient outcomes. Effective communication between surgeons and patients can reduce anxiety, increase satisfaction, and enhance adherence to treatment plans. It can also help prevent medical errors and malpractice claims. #GPT4 #SoMe4Surgery

Communication can foster teamwork and collaboration. Surgeons work with a variety of other health professionals, such as nurses, anesthesiologists, and radiologists. Communication can help coordinate care, share information, and resolve conflicts. #GPT4 #SoMe4Surgery

Communication can also build trust and respect among team members. #GPT4 #SoMe4Surgery

Communication can advance your career and reputation. Surgeons who communicate well can attract more referrals, gain more recognition, and establish more connections. #GPT4 #SoMe4Surgery

Communication can also help you teach, mentor, and inspire others in your field. Communication can also help you cope with stress and burnout. #GPT4 #SoMe4Surgery

Communication is not an innate talent, but a skill that can be developed with practice and feedback. Some ways to improve your communication skills are:


- Listen actively and empathetically to your patients and colleagues
- Use clear, concise, and jargon-free language
- Adapt your communication style to different situations and audiences
- Ask open-ended questions and check for understanding

- Use nonverbal cues such as eye contact, gestures, and tone of voice
- Seek feedback and learn from your mistakes
#GPT4 #SoMe4Surgery

Communication is a key component of surgical excellence. It can enhance your clinical skills, your interpersonal skills, and your professional growth. It can also improve the quality of care, the safety of patients, and the satisfaction of everyone involved. #SoMe4Surgery #GPT4

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