Prof. Surgery - Scientific director at @IIS_IdISSC @iclinicomadrid @unicomplutense; BJS Foundation @BJSurgery @BJSAcademy; @ASGBI; @SurgJournal Editor.
May 26, 2023 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
Aquí tenéis el hilo de mi consulta de hoy para #GPT:
¿Cómo evaluar el aprendizaje de estudiantes universitarios sin que pueda recibir ayuda de GPT4 o ChatGPT? #educación#evaluación
Este tema es de gran interés para los docentes universitarios, que se enfrentan al reto de medir el nivel de conocimiento y competencias de sus alumnos en un contexto de educación a distancia y con la disponibilidad de herramientas de IA cada vez más sofisticadas
#SoMe4Surgery#Communication is a vital skill for any professional, but especially for surgeons. In this thread, I will share some reasons why surgeons should master communication and some tips on how to improve it. #GPT4#SoMe4Surgery
May 1, 2023 • 8 tweets • 6 min read
The following thread about surgeons and social media has been written by #GPT4 to answer the following prompt:
"Can you write a text on why social media is important for surgeons, how they can use it and, what actions should be taken? #SoMe4Surgery#SoMe is important for surgeons because it allows them to: 1. Share their expertise and knowledge with other professionals and the public 2. Build their reputation and credibility as leaders in their field #SoMe4Surgery